I only have 3 pieces in the show though, quality of quantity for me. BUT it will be the first time Ollie will be seen in prublic. Here is to hoping he is well received.... [/quote] The MVH stuff is amazing. Ollie turned out so rad. The PK and Mark Nagata stuff is pretty hot as well. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it. Go if you can.
aww...no fair. You get to see stuff before the show. I have 1 piece that no one has posted yet. I actually have it posted somewhere in the interwebs that isn't too hard to find....but the teaser is posted.
Its OK! I just don't really think I have any "cute" in me - any time I try it just ends up grosser looking than when I try to make something gross from the get-go!
Haha...I might have enough "cute" in me to make up for everyone else stuff. I try to make gruesome stuff but just can't.
I made it!! I am internet-less except for when I'm at my friend's place so I guess I'll see everyone at the show...minus Carl
Had to pass tonight's show. Nate had work today and tomorrow which kind of sucks since it's a holiday weekend. He was too tired. I hope whoever went took lots of pictures!
i really liked the stuff by picopico ... hadn't heard of him before. anybody know where else he releases/sells stuff?
I know I've seen his stuff on Lulubell. They have a bunch of his paintings up for pre-order now http://www.lulubelltoys.com/lulubell-to ... -pico.html
I was really looking forward to this show but had to skip it due to a doctor appointment. Hopefully someone took great pictures. I was looking forward to meeting some fellow SBers there.
Well...you missed out cause I brought something for you . PK and Connell got to see it and they both wanted to take it home. Sorry I could say goodbye to everyone. We were in a bit of a rush to get to dinner but thanks to Sean and Gino for having me in the show. The turnout was pretty good...even without Carl. Nice to see Connell and Paul and meet a few new SBers as well. BTW...did anyone see that GID bird? Hahahahaha!!
>< Damn! I should've gone, even with this huge bandage wrapped around my head and everything! I've never been to Red O either! I really missed out! Sorry Bert. Gah! Now everyone got to see it before me!
had a great time tonight... always nice to see board members again and meet new ones. show looked great, congrats to all involved. it was nice see some some toys i've only seen in pics... especially the sludge demon, smaller than i thought but even more impressive. pico pico killed it... the resins were so fun. i guess i'm just not a picture taking kind of guy... had the camera in the car and it didn't even occur to me
It was a fun show, I really don't know many(any) of you all here in LA, perhaps I should start wearing a name tag to shows. Either way, really fun and great toys all around.
I had the best time. Hanging with Bert, PK, Sean, and other SBers. I took two friends of mine who had never been to a kaiju toy show and they were blown away. Highlights: Seeing Ollie in the flesh (I'm not talking big, I'm talking HUGE!) Hot off the press clear pink resin with glitter MockBat from PK's bag-o-toys. French fry food truck parked outside. Curry fries with curry mayo, curry catsup, and mango chutney. Opening pacs of Art Hustle trading cards. Some cards I scored: Velocitron, Uamou, Datadub, Wondering around the toy museum a few doors down from the gallery all by myself. Shadow Spectre's custom by Bert. Tried to sneak it in my bag but no success. My Sludge Demon.
><! No fair, everyone got to see it! The anticipation is killing me! Sounds like I'm gonna have to fight for it with all these people trying to "snake" it before it gets to me. Sounds like it's a great one! I knew I went straight to the right guy. Especially for that Gean Grey colorway.
Sorry I missed it - sounds like a GREAT time. I was at LAX while u guys were partying. A little birdie told me the stuff was RAD!!!! Man, wouldve been fun to meet up with Bert, PK, Connell, David, Sean and everyone else...but being in the UK with family is awesome too!
Actually "picked up" is not very accurate as you would probably need a small fork lift to get it out of the gallery.
it looks like Sean is slowly getting things up on the sale site. http://store.toyartgallery.com/category/show-red-carpet-kaiju