It stands out as this type of very "realhead" style i see from time to time--especially later on down the line until now. so it's nice to have a bit for the collection. The vinyl base is a peanut butter brown with silver, coppery red, black and blue.
The dark spray around the eye and contrasting chest spot really are representative of the figures from the micro run era and beyond. I also notice they tend to have more overspray than the old figures. Always wondered if that was unintentional or a deliberate stylistic choice.
A couple more shots before i packed them away. The Gatchigon was a nice surprise getting it back again. i don't think it came with an omake, but i'm not sure--it's been so long. The Bigaro was an awesome find--out of the early releases on glow vinyl, I likes this one best because the feet were glowy too.
That mixed glitter is really nice. I wish I had more toys with that dense glitter. I wonder if it's hard to work with at the factory.