The entertainment industry has been dealt a devastating blow by our postmodernist society. They don't know what to deliver any more than we as a whole know what we want. The studios used to put out a western or two a year, a musical now and then, and the occiasional biblical epic and nobody complained. Now all the traditional molds are shattered. Studios arne't willing to shell out millions for a movie that might or might not click (ie anything original or new) thus mostly what we get are new version of movies or adaptations of tv shows/comics that already have devoted fans. And indie film, which should be shining like diamonds in comparison, isn't. With the bad acting, the pretentious writing, and the amateurish/cliched direction present in most indies, it's enought o make this movie buff want to take up needlepoint for entertainment.
rise, zombie thread! not a remake per se, but an amazing retelling of hitchcock's rear window:
This interview with Frank Zappa explains the problem with the music industry, but can also be applied to most modern media.