I agree, I don’t think Godzilla will be present in the show, but I am looking forward to the expansion of the Monarch lore and the monsterverse. Now, if they would only bring in the pacific rim mechs in to the monsterverse. One can hope.
I'm three episodes in and so far the trip is worthwhile. There's just enough kaiju kontent in each episode to keep the audience engaged, the casting is good, and you can tell they spent money on the effects. I'm just hoping there is some sort of big monster showdown at the end.
As I mentioned in the other thread, Monarch's teasing got to the point where I was done with it, and then I got sick and well, it was right there in my Continue Watching list. I will give it credit for two things: performances and budget. They got good actors who do their absolute best with what they're given, and they spared no expense with the locations and effects. It's just a lot of running around in circles with very little kaiju kontent and for a show called Monarch, you don't really learn much about what they actually do. And you'd think the whole season would be leading up to some big kaiju konflict but it's so mild. Spoiler Godzilla fights a bat for 3 1/2 minutes. Whoopee. I will give them points for bringing in Dominique Tipper, never thought I would see her say the word "Godzilla."