By request First rule of art- Fuck grammar!! Dark Lord with family.... minus a mayor, he's in a bad way.
if i had that, i'd probably bring it to the show and have him correct it. thanks for posting. it was in my cart and disappeared!
Damn that kills. I'll have to post some pics of my regular old clear guts and the jarbear. Le Merde blows my mind.
Le Merde kicks ass all the time. I love his stuff, but my dogs run away when i show the figures to them......don't know why.....but it's funny
i love it! le merde are the biggest sweeties in the world, not to mention one of my favorite artists. thew guts are so amazingly done, the cheese on the burger is so cute! i just want a set of guts, so i can float them in a jar! and it's so funny but i always spell things wrong when i am painting them too, because you are paying attention to not fucking up the letter, you don't really even see them all together as a word till it's done.
I'm jealousssss. Deadboy you're in Australia aren't you? Do you find your Le Merde packages are opened up by Australian customs? Mine _always_ are. Wonder what it is they think I'm smuggling in my toys. It's only the Le Merde packages, so must be something to do with the material the figures are made from when they're scanned. Sorry to jack anyway
i wish we were in Australia! haha me and deadboy aka Joe live in the sea side metropolis of Old Orchard Beach, Maine, in the good ol US of A.
my family has been vacationing up the street near the "clambake" every summer since i was 6 or 7. it's a nice area EXCEPT for the the prime days of summer when it's a fuckin' tourist nightmare.