i want to play around with some GID paint on some of our beloved vinyl... but i dont know what to use. i checked the painting with v color thread and checked out the link on where to get it, but they don't offer GID paint. will acrylic paint hold up? somehow i dont feel like it will... i also think for instance the LED GID pumpkinbrains are filled with GID Vinyl as opposed to paint which makes me wonder but im sure iv seen some of you use GID in your customs. any tips/ideas anyone?
whats ping? ill try a pm? edit- i PM'd thanks for the direction ill let you know if i get answers and it works out.
I haven't found a good GID paint to use either. It seems like I gotta cake it on the vinyl to get any kind of glow.
Gatchabert, what type of paint did you experiment with? Whthalo, do you know where to get any? that stuff glows long and hard!!!
hmmmmm, i just experimented with some GID powder mixed with V-Color, but it's very gritty and clogs my airbrush.....plus after 3 coats, it doesn't glow all that much. weird cause when I look at the bottle in the dark, it glows like mad. maybe just need more.....
Here's a link to a sanjeev glow custom. He goes into detail about technique and different applications with links to glow paint sites. Good luck! http://www.collectiondx.com/node/1285
GID paint does have a bit of grain to it and it doesn't come off easy so once you got it on and its dried, and you realize that you don't like it, your going to spend at least another hour on top of what you think it will take to get it off. Acetone didn't work for me but what did work was clear Tamiya paint. It just ate up the GID paint. The brand I bought is just some cheap brand, Golden Acrylics. I'm not sure if the more expensive brand will have less grain to it. I have found other uses for the paint in a similar fashion to the clear colored vinyl + GID. Just paint the inside of the figure instead of the outside. That's what I did with this Skuttle: It is clear orange and I painted the inside with GID paint. I haven't done a successful outer paint with GID.
exactly the paint i have a bottle oif and exactly the application i plan to try. how does it glow? does it glow nice through the clear orange? sanjeev PMd me back with the link the only thing i had time to look at was the pictures iv gotta read more!! thanks guys!