Re: CURE BOOGIE-MAN DATABASE and that's the only image I have ever seen of it... definitely a one or two off unless somebody knows otherwise...
Re: CURE BOOGIE-MAN DATABASE The snake-skin is 100% not a one or two off. actual number is unknown but i believe its around 10. quite a few old boogie collectors have this version. the black with blood splatter is the secret release of the 7th year anniversary boogie. there are a handful of those, maybe 5? i was once informed that only the vinyl bag is splattered with blood. but i have seen a pic with a blood splattered black boogie on the figure itself. unsure it that was DIY or not. I forgot there is actually one more boogie, the SB gacha lottery version during the last SB shop move. It is black with brown linen. I believe there were 2 of these.
Re: CURE BOOGIE-MAN DATABASE I was also told only the bag was splattered, but I'm pretty sure the figure is also splattered. Also, maybe this has been discussed, I always wonder why the boogies are discussed in the SB forum. I always thought Cure designed and released most boogies independent of Secret Base?
Re: CURE BOOGIE-MAN DATABASE Boogies only recently migrated to the SB section. So there's loads of boogie info in the Japan forum if you're searching for it. The 7th is definitely only on the bag, which was the reason he was knocked off my wants list.
Re: CURE BOOGIE-MAN DATABASE I noticed that there are different versions of the solid orange ones. The two that I know of have different heads. Anyone know how many exist?
Re: CURE BOOGIE-MAN DATABASE Freaking love the red and blue Oni boogies. Thanks for setting this list up, guys.
Re: CURE BOOGIE-MAN DATABASE The rare ones have been traded so the regular ones were sold. Now it's just a picture of what was.
Re: CURE BOOGIE-MAN DATABASE just got myself a OF-1000 boogie man (the clear yellow with the suit) and was wondering on the back of the phantom head is there suppose to be a slit and also when i put the phantom hands on are they suppose to be on tight on do they have some give to them
Re: CURE BOOGIE-MAN DATABASE Yes to both. The head has a slit and the limbs were pretty damn tight on mine (which is a good thing in my opinion).
Re: CURE BOOGIE-MAN DATABASE The slit makes the haed mask removeable, and also mimics the original plantman suit design, upon which teh Toxic Phantom is based.
Re: CURE BOOGIE-MAN DATABASE Oh snap! Is the head glowing like crazy too? Hands down the best Boogie to date.
Re: CURE BOOGIE-MAN DATABASE It is the Kai-Zine X-Ray version, all charged-up like. Guts are GID vinyl, just like the rest of them.
Re: CURE BOOGIE-MAN DATABASE That is just Nucking Futz!!!!! Can't wait to add it to my Boogie clan. There was an earlier post talking about that there is a green and a pink X-Ray version or was that just the blinking belly light that gave it the two color appearence?