Wondering how rare the GID BB filled mutant head figure is? And what the header looks like?...can't find mine Thanks
How rare is the color BB vs the GID BB? I'd really like one of them ones with the purdy colors on the inside....
some unscrupulous toy dealers have been known to remover 8 bbs from the '756' and pass it off as a '748' caveat emptor.
haha, not even a year ago, I traded mine for an Astro Zombie Chaosfighter. I don't regret it. the figure was just kind of "blah" in my opinion, but it makes a fun addition to any mutant head collection for the sake of being a different take on the figure. Cool, but not for me. If I still had it, I might have asked LASH to make it kick more ass for me.
OK, having enjoyed all this frippery and folderol, here's something vaguely resembling an answer -- A GID BB Head on That Evil Place closed this week at $162 - #20023736860 Unfortunately, there's no pic of the back of the header card, and I'm >3000 miles away from being able to check mine for you. It is a blue-background one, not red, if that helps, but I don't remember if it has the 'stock' Mutant Head header or a special one. I'd say an 'SB-friendly,' 'semi-sorta-RFSO' current price for this would be around $125. (As always, the real-RFSO price would be not more than the $ you paid for it, if it's less than that.)