My instagram pic is unfiltered, I just had good sunlight. He is much duller in artificial light. And those Venus sound gorgeous. I hope they post pictures soon.
The green version always looked very matte painted compared to the dark blue version. I just got the blue/black version in and it's really cool. I used to hate the sculpt but am glad to get one.
My Goga/Dako preorders both arrived today and I am pleased as punch. No QC issues whatsoever on joints, paint, etc. The double bagging is a nice touch. Glad to see OG inserts are included. I think Medicom has pulled out all the stops to the extent possible given the scope and scale. Looks to me as if they have emulated Anraku's paint app style as well, he is usually pretty heavy handed with his paints (except for clear Gogas and some minis). This is my favorite painting style because a) it gives the toys more textured depth and b) it keeps toys from getting rubbed as easily. I am a complete clutz and I like my toys minty, so thick paint apps limit my anguish.
Blu-tak to the rescue! A number of my AA minis have balance issues and a blob of this, on the heel, helps them to stand...
Thanks for sharing your photos everyone! I'm still waiting for the dancer, mini and smallish dako from Lulubell. Has anyone received their order from Lulu yet? Curious minds wanna know!
^^ I hear you! My new Goga's need some company. It's still hard for me to believe that I am going to be able to build a substantial Anraku collection.
^^ I know! I passed on the metallic Gogas but lassoed a pre-order for the clear one. I can't remember now if I ordered one or two dancers, as I kept thinking of them in the video It would be so much fun to have a small army of them, dangling from fishing line, strung from the ceiling ...sigh! Where are my toys! P.S. I do hope Medicom issues the little cricket guys P.P.S. Can you even imagine having a pet Goga? I bet he eats way more kibble then my Henry and Emma
I'm with you on waiting for mine to ship too. Probably any day now I'm do excited for my dakos. I keep rewatching the videos in anticipation
Paint does look a bit wonky on the mini imo, although not as bad as the preview pics for the Cambodia. That red Venus, however...
Thanks bunnyboy. I Iike that the glut mini matches the standard size preorder. The Gary tribute works well and that red Venus gave me a little toygasm. I dig em. I hope we get at least one translucent vinyl Venus preorder. The OG white and pink ones are still my favorite of the semi-obtainable runs. But yeah that last Cambodia was a bit off. I think if they had kept the paints to just red and white it would have looked fantastic.
Really....? I thought that the Cambodia has one the most appealing paint scheme of any of these, maybe of all Anraku. Simple but novel. (The sculpt just isn't as iconic as some...)
The purple just throws it off kilter for me. I do like the simplicity though. Nothing will ever beat the clear blue one. One of my favorite AA toys and an absolute b*tch to track down.
The orginal Cambodia's were a much smaller run then the Nue's. It took me years to track my orangeish one down. I passed on the new ones because I don't like how the mouths are painted, but I do like the simplistic paint application.
Yeah, the blue Nue seems to be around..I have seen the blue Cambodia surface only twice in the last 3-4 years. I don't mind the mouth but the black nostril seems out of place. I dig the simplicity of the originals with just the teeth painted and a dab of paint on the tounge
Ha, funny how perception differs. I like the purple on the Cambodia, what throws me off is the bold white rub that basically wipes out all the texture. Wasn't sure about the quality of the paintwork until I saw this pic, which makes it look REALLY terrible: All the more puzzling considering how cleanly the details on the Goga were painted...
I was under the impression that these are all rough brush paints by Anraku and the final product will be different.