Thanks for getting the ball rolling! Some fun toys there! My eye is on that Tapir! Preview of more toys for the raffle Vintage Marushin T-Rex -- he is squished but still cute and still stands (thank you Toy Angel for reminding me of the maker's name ) and vintage Bandai mini Chameleon Rider Butanohana Tyrannosaurus Rex, he is not squished, but very very plump Please donate for a great cause!
I'm taking the liberty of bumping for a great and important cause. If you have the ways and the means, please donate...
Really can't emphasise enough what a great cause this is. Even with being in the red, I am happy I could lend even a little support to this year's fundraiser. James and the whole team are doing some amazing and vital work. Please, I encourage you to give as much as you can. We all waste so much on such trivial things; to think that even a small amount could end up meaning the difference to someone getting needed help or not really puts our menial everyday trivialities in perspective. So if you can, please take a moment to donate.
Saw James' post about the matching grant [again]. I was hoping/thought I managed to get in on it in the first round, but without a doubt everyone reading this - i.e. you - should DEFINITELY take this opportunity to support such a great cause. And, in case you haven't seen it, the contributions thus far are managing to make this and epic milestone for fundraising across the past years. Let's make sure to hit that mark and leave it far behind!
Woo Hoooo! $41 away from $7000! Just a small reminder that this life saving drive is still on. Please consider making a donation good people, even a small one! *And yes! All donations are still being matched!
Excellent, good toy peoples! How about buying James a "cup of coffee" for all the hard work he's done to keep us up and running? Please make a donation, however small, for a worthy cause. Let's see if we can set a new record this year!
Last day of the Suicide Prevention 2023 drive! Please consider making a donation, however small (or large!). Every little bit helps to make a life saving difference. Can we make it to $10K this year? All donations still being matched, so you are doubling your donation!
Awesome Noel, and all donors too! We're $76 away from $9K, can we get a few more donations please?
Despite a late start, I actually made my way through the prize list much faster in 2023 than in previous years. I’ll be launching the 2024 raffle very soon, but before I do, I was wondering if someone can help me with a little translation. I suspect that I’m going to have more Japanese participants this year, so I was thinking of branding the raffle with some Japanese text. Can anyone tell me if I have this correct? 自殺防止ソフビ抽選会 Thanks in advance!!