Are there any gardeners out there??

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by noeleaser, Apr 15, 2017.

  1. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    Besides toys and art, one of my other passions is growing stuff.

    I mainly stick to vegetables, herbs and some fruit. I've also been known to grow cannabis and some other medicinal plants and flowers..

    Here was our garden from 2016. We had very little space to plant in the ground because the yard at our old space was xeriscaped and in addition, our dog likes to dig up anything we planted in the ground so we have to plant everything in containers. Fun fact: A few Skullbrainers have actually eaten from this garden. ;)


    The space we just moved into is insane. We now have multiple yards and are a bit overwhelmed with how much space we now have to plant stuff. We're still planning out this year's garden and may scale it back this year to take a break and then go all out for 2018, it really is a lot of work..

    Here's what's getting planted today!!

    Does anyone else out there like to grow stuff??
  2. trueadrn

    trueadrn Line of Credit

    I always wonder this... mostly when i'm cleaning up the front yard and in desperate need of another set of hands.
    I do my best to keep everything healthy this year i'm focusing on keeping the lawn green.

    I wonder how many SB's have smoked from that garden!!!
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2017
    noeleaser likes this.
  3. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    It's funny that you should say that, in the above photo, there's a row of cannabis plants all the way in the back. I use a wall of tomatoes and other vegetables to keep them out of sight from the neighbors. For my 2016 growing season, I ended up with 1.25 lbs of flowers and over 10g of concentrate from all of the trimmings.. I've had 3 Skullbrainers partake in the flowers from my grow..

    Here's a shot from my 2016 grow..
    Herr Graves, Count, The Moog and 5 others like this.
  4. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    I would absolutely love to have a garden, but it'll have to happen once I move out of my parents' place.
    As for cannabis... CT is late to the legalization game. :roll: Go figure, the only state with a 12% "gift to the state upon death" tax can't get their shit together and legalize something taxable! (Yes, seriously, CT is the only state in the USA that forces you to give up 12% of your estate as a gift just for the privilege of living here when you die. WTF.)
    I tried 20 mg? g? I forgot the measurement of Indica THC in a pair of chews while I was in Colorado for one night... It was the only thing that allowed me to sleep soundly through the night and wake up refreshed, after nearly 7 fucking years of horrible insomnia. :(
    I should just move the hell to Massachusetts or something.
    Purple Bat and noeleaser like this.
  5. Purple Bat

    Purple Bat Addicted


    Here is last year's garden: corn, pumpkin, and tepary beans. Unfortunately the squash didn't make it to the fruit stage, it got really big and then I think the drought and heat did it in.
    Count, noeleaser and hellointerloper like this.
  6. Michael Beverage

    Michael Beverage Line of Credit

    Hey, alright. This is my kind of SB thread.
    I work outdoors during the week quite a bit for my job, and so have tended to avoid the yard over the weekends here in the dirty South (fellow Georgians and Floridians, you feel my humidity-induced pain). But I am gonna bite that sweat-soaked bullet this year.

    My wife has done container gardening for herbs and veggies, and I'm currently working on a proper native plant garden. I have about 25 species with half of them in the ground so far; hoping to ramp up to 50 or more this year with the end goal of over 100 native species in my 1/3 acre plot. I will probably run out of space, time and sanity with everything else going on, but the whole experience actually helps my work-related knowledge base. So there is some nice synergy there.

    EDIT: For those of you (like myself) who are lazy, procrastinators, and/or are inherently green-thumb challenged, native plants are awesome. You can neglect the hell out of lots of them, and they continue to thrive.
  7. itsa_mia

    itsa_mia Toy Prince

    i tore out some lawn a couple years back to grow tomatoes, beans, , cucumbers, squash and some herbs.

    this year is a very late spring, still snowing in higher elevations, cold and rainy.
    we're behind about a month now, i hope the sun breaks out soon so i can start planting but i think its going to be another 6 - 8 weeks before i can do anything =(

    heres my 2015 which was a lot better than last years dismal crop, again the weather grrr

    (in the background you can see my neighbours hedges eaten by deer. thats as far up as they can reach and trim them to resemble a row of penises lol)

    Count and hellointerloper like this.
  8. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    I used to grow in the basement in MN and I loved it. I was good at it. I find like cooking, that if you have good ingredients (strains) and good soil, you really just need to get out of your own way and balance everything perfectly to get the best result.
  9. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    1. I wish I had a green thumb, but even cactus die on my watch...
  10. Patrickg2k

    Patrickg2k Addicted

    I have a garden every year, mostly herbs to be used in cooking or brewing. I'm a homebrewer (mead maker) so anything tasty is game. I also started growing some hops last season, hoping to get a harvest this year!
    noeleaser likes this.
  11. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    My kinda gardening!
    noeleaser likes this.
  12. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    True story, I ate all the tomatoes off his plant because I had a serious case of the munchies...
    trueadrn and noeleaser like this.
  13. trueadrn

    trueadrn Line of Credit

    noeleaser likes this.
  14. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    This is 100% fact.
    Miss you girl.. ;)
    foto junkaay likes this.
  15. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't even eat tomatoes like that either. I just remember saying these are sweet and I'm sorry I am eating them all HAHAHA

    That's the same day I thought I was going to die after almost falling off the porch and getting eaten by a stray dog... Good times hahahahahaha! Miss you too man! Need to plan another trip out that isn't work related, I was sooooooo out of it LOL
    trueadrn likes this.
  16. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    Aaaaaand my garden was SHREDDED by golf ball sized hail...
    I'm starting over this weekend. Fuck.
  17. trueadrn

    trueadrn Line of Credit

    ah sorry to read. thankfully global warming has been good to Portland OR... more rain than normal but my lawn is loving it.
  18. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Well, my dragonfruit cactus is officially dead. It got frostbitten and rather than shrivel, it developed an all-encompassing rot. Guess that's what happens when you bring it into the garage for the winter instead of inside the house, but go figure, parents didn't want it inside anymore. Bye bye 6 years of nurture and $200 of investment. :cry:

    But on the bright side, I planted an onion. A single onion. It has two sprouts. :lol:
  19. Count

    Count Post Pimp

    I love gardening! My dad moved into a big old house around the corner from me 5 years ago now maybe and it had been totally neglected for years before that, the back yard was entirely taken over by blackberries and morning glory, smothering an old lilac and magnolia tree, it was a mess. I started clearing it all out before I was even into gardening and it became an obsession, the blackberries tore me to pieces but I eventually kicked the shit out of them back behind the fence. I re-landscaped the whole yard and filled in the gardens with mostly free plants that we were able to get from people and then my dad moved out and we took the place over last year. I moved a bunch of stuff around since then and put in a little bit of lawn because we just had a baby and she's going to need to roll around out there.

    We don't get tons of full sun in the summer when tall trees around the property have full leaves, but I still try to grow as much as possible and got a T5 light set up to start things inside earlier.

    Check out my gardening only insta I just recently started: bbgardiner
    hellointerloper and noeleaser like this.
  20. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    I would love to grow some kind of berries out here in Colorado. Blueberries would be amazing but I don't think they do so well out here..

    BTW, I am now following you on Instagram, feel free to follow my gardening account: @thehoodoasis

    It's been snowing here for the past 24 hours, good thing I planned everything in containers! All my veggies are in the garage... 8)
  21. Count

    Count Post Pimp

    Followed you back! I thought we were having a late start to the season out here, but I was out in a t-shirt and shorts all day yesterday and it was amazing, I wouldn't even know what to do if it was still snowing! Good for you for finding creative solutions to keep it moving though!

    I've got a few blueberry bushes and they do okay, but my soils not very acidic so I've been trying to lower the PH over the last year with peat moss to get it to something they would like more..

    Have you heard of the Issai (hardy) kiwi? It's a smaller hairless grape kind of sized kiwi, self pollinator and hardy to very low temperatures, I think it is native to Siberia or something so it might work for you!
    noeleaser likes this.
  22. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    Ethan and itsa_mia like this.
  23. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    Hello all! Spring is almost here and that means another season of growing stuff!

    I’ve got some spinach and lettuce starting to come up, some lavender, tulips and other flowers that are also on their way, as well as a bunch of poppies that have sprouted! I actually ordered a bunch of new varieties of poppies and my goal this year is to create a small poppy field using a kiddie pool or two. I want to try and grow/harvest as many poppies as possible in order to sell the seeds and/or use them in baking.

    As usual, I will also be growing a bunch of different vegetables again this year, including tomatoes, potatoes, peas, string beans, watermelons, pumpkin, squash, peppers and many more. I’ll most likely be taking a break from growing cannabis this year, considering my crop last year was plagued with mold and I don’t know if I’m up for five months of hard work again this summer, especially with a baby on the way.

    Oh yeah, this year is also the year of fruit and berries for us! I have already planted a blackberry bush and I would like to try to get a few fruit trees in the ground as well. If I’m able to plant some fruit trees this summer, they will grow up the same age as our son, so when he is five, the Apple tree in the front yard will also be five years old..

    As usual, I will be sharing photos soon as things start to really come up. You can follow my gardening adventures on Instagram: @thehoodoasis

    I can’t wait to start seeing photos of other people’s gardens as well!
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2018
  24. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    Dad planted some flowers this past weekend...
    noeleaser likes this.
  25. trueadrn

    trueadrn Line of Credit

    we are about to have our first dry sunny week here and the family plans on weeding everyday
    noeleaser and Lalo like this.

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