quick queston on the Marusan Grand King

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by crystalglowchrome, Jan 13, 2009.

  1. crystalglowchrome

    crystalglowchrome Toy Prince

    I hope this is the right place to ask a question such as this. :)
    just got a Marusan Grand King, the crystal version, I notice on the sculpt there seems to be some really rough grainy pitted areas, the worst being right below the shoulder guns, and some on the chest and lower belly too. sort of the same thing going on with the back and tail fins too. is this intentional and part of the sculpt? battle damage or rust or something? on the back fins it almost looks like it could be, but the parts under the shoulder guns definitely look like some kind of damage or defect. does anyone else own one of this sculpt? any help would be much appreciated.
    awesome toy othewise :D
  2. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    Can you please post a picture? I am curious to see what a clear version looks like :)
  3. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    Super7 has one in the store:


    Saw it this weekend- it's REALLY cool. Sorry- don't have an answer about the damage.
  4. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    Thanks for the link Akum6n :razz:
    I just hope my bronchitis will clear up, so I can go to Super7 this weekend (still feel bad about missing the trade fest last weekend :( ). I'll try to see if the store toy has the same "defects" you described Crystalglowchrome.
  5. Pogue

    Pogue Die-Cast

    They all have these spots in the same place so I assume there are intentional or at least considered. Josh and I can't really tell if this was intentional or are problems with the sculpt that caused the marks.
  6. joshuajh

    joshuajh Administrator Staff Member

    the bumpy, rough areas on the figure are either the sculpt, or a defect that shows itself indentically across multiple figures and versions. kirkland has images of the clear red version where you can see the same texture in the same place -

    http://toybotstudios.blogspot.com/2008/ ... -king.html
  7. melek_taus

    melek_taus Mini Boss

    From the pics on Toybotstudios it definetly looks like sculpted in "battle damage".
    Kirkland's red/blue version is awesome.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I noticed the same areas when I purchased a clear red Marusan Grand King from Kaiju Taro a while back. In response to my inquiries then, KT confirmed that these rough battle damage areas are sculpted in.
  9. Robert DeCastro

    Robert DeCastro Side Dealer


    Yup mine has em too, couple of the fins on the back and both shoulders, as well as a spot or two on the lower torso area.
  10. Joe

    Joe Die-Cast

    Whoa, what is that black beast on the left?
  11. Robert DeCastro

    Robert DeCastro Side Dealer

    Marmit -Vinyl Paradise "Magura" if I'm not mistaken. (added)= It's actually the very first kaiju toy I bought so it has alot of sentimental value.
  12. m3kcomp

    m3kcomp Side Dealer

    if Joe's asking, it must be hard to find...

    so what is it? looks cool...
  13. melek_taus

    melek_taus Mini Boss

    It's a really nice piece. Spikey.
  14. crystalglowchrome

    crystalglowchrome Toy Prince

    Thanks everyone! especially the pic of the red one answers my question perfectly, that looks the same as mine exactly :) it would bother me if it was only on this version, or only on mine, but changes my mind about it knowing all are like this. Thanks for the great help :D

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