nezubadon & friends

Discussion in 'Show Your Collection' started by joshuajh, Feb 2, 2008.

  1. joshuajh

    joshuajh Administrator Staff Member

    i finally scored this amazing vintage 2-headed rat bird from spectreman! yes!!


    here he is at home with his new friends.

    smog and fungus!

    squirm is rad:

    jet jaguar!

    some random weirdos:

    i never get tired of tiger7!!
  2. turtletooth

    turtletooth Post Pimp

    If you haven't got a two headed rat bird, what have you got?

    Great pics Josh!
  3. miami

    miami Comment King

    So what makes this a rat- "bird"? He has wings not seen here? I assume that's it, I don't see arms. Rat-bat maybe, or are there feathers?
  4. joshuajh

    joshuajh Administrator Staff Member

    here is the photo from the listing, totally nasty! -
  5. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

    Totally nasty indeed. That dude looks like he's about to fly to the nearest mountaintop to crank out some grim melodies on his customized BC Rich Warlock. Ok, maybe I went a little too far.

    Looking at your collection shots is always interesting. What's the story on the TRON minis?
  6. bottled

    bottled Addicted

    great stuff josh!
  7. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    I like how all the toys come together. very colorful.

    By the way who is the guy in front of the zag tank..he is holding a white staff and is red and orange...
  8. joshuajh

    joshuajh Administrator Staff Member

    the dude with the staff is from Tron. all the tron figures are repro's of the old tron action figures, made by tomy in the early 80s. theyre rad, they all come with little glow in the dark frisbees that attach to their backs, so when things get heated, theyre ready for action, and can......throw frisbees at each other.

  9. il_muffino

    il_muffino Addicted

    Hey, man, in the Tron world, if you're so much as touched by one of those frisbees you can be totally de-rezzed. Nothing worse than being de-rezzed. :D
  10. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    AH! That's what I thought. I thought I saw a few tron items but wasn't sure.
  11. lgcolddrink

    lgcolddrink Addicted

    Hey josh what is the diver in the 2nd pic?
  12. redfive

    redfive Fresh Meat

    I think that diver is from the Mandarake Toygraph Godzilla set. Man I want those.

    Great shots Josh. So much to covet.
  13. Chuck

    Chuck Line of Credit

    The rat bird thing is so cool! Nice find, Josh.

    Now this is nasty!
  14. jeffmerch

    jeffmerch Fresh Meat

    brand x

    that is a sweet figure. what, may i ask, is the brand name on your two headed rat?
  15. tinman59

    tinman59 Comment King

    That was a great episode, the old man trying to shoot the Ratbird with his rifle, and Spectreman & his coworkers hiding out in a grass hut, thinking they would be safe :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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