Other collectibles....

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Souky, Jan 21, 2006.

  1. ichikill79

    ichikill79 Toy Prince

    Yeah these are cool! I have my Evil Dead Book right in between my Sideshow 12" Ash and Evil Ash.
  2. jltohru

    jltohru S7 Royalty

    hehe, i keep cracking up because i used to work at this super stuffy Barnes and Noble and we had the first "book of the dead"

    my co-workers and i would bet on who got to buy it first, but none of us made beans so we never got it.

    meanwhile, we would torture the abundant classical music lovers (not that there is anything wrong with classical) with it. we'd pull it out and talk it up and say how much their family would love it.

    they would purse their lips and walk out like they had some corncobs stuck up you know where

    boring job, that made it more fun!! hehe
  3. dr_tongues_toys

    dr_tongues_toys Post Pimp

    Skylar - Nice score (and spendy!!) The Japanese Lmt. Ed. Spectre Man head with the complete DVD collection. I think I hate you now!! Very cool!
  4. zomboid

    zomboid Toy Prince

    The mandolin woman is an original painting we found at a thrift store here in Austin. I love it - it's so "Rod Serling's Night Gallery" creepy.

    And yeah - that's a tombstone rubbing that my fiance found in a thrift store a long time ago.

    That Little Miss No Name was my first big ebay aquisition many many years ago. I'd love to find an original box - they look really cool.

    Yeah - that's a Blickenstaff drawing. I have 2. I like that one coz it looks like Lux Interior from the Cramps.
  5. skylar

    skylar Post Pimp

    the one I bought for the wife came with a box, almost perfect except the top flap was ripped off and taped back on. you can see the bottom of it on top of one of those wall mounted display cases.

    and yes tongue, that is the spectreman dvd-box. it only cost me half as much as that kamen rider briefcase though.

    BOB CONGE Addicted

    Yo Skylar,
    Are these still available??
  7. skylar

    skylar Post Pimp

  8. t3rr18l3one

    t3rr18l3one Fresh Meat

    does anyone else collect little apple dolls?

    heres mine....


    erro series 2 with mask

    [​IMG] the twins, creo(white with black dots) and pestis. comoc con exclusive, only 1000 made worldwide

    [​IMG] circe series 1

    [​IMG] ianua, exclusive from i dunno where, cant remember. she's not with her sister, shes at my girls house where she has to stay on her own as she is thought to come out of her box at night :razz:
  9. Paulkaiju

    Paulkaiju Mini Boss

    My ex collected Little Apple dolls. I was really surprised and quite blown away by the quality. Very Nice collection you have!

    I hadn't seen any of the newer ones.
  10. moriachi

    moriachi Line of Credit

    THe apple dolls are rather eerie. What are they made of? Looks ceramic almost. Maybe painted that way.
  11. Paulkaiju

    Paulkaiju Mini Boss

    Actually, They're made of good ol' Vitamin "V"! ;)
  12. t3rr18l3one

    t3rr18l3one Fresh Meat

    at first i thought ceramic, although boxes arent that heavy, so i suspect vinyl or something
  13. jltohru

    jltohru S7 Royalty

    i honestly think those are really cool collectibles, but i could never collect them cuz the would scare off my super happy new super malfi!!!! :D

  14. t3rr18l3one

    t3rr18l3one Fresh Meat

    that sure is a cool thing...whatever it is.

    do you guys mostly collect a lot of japanese style stuff? like from cult comics and stuff?
  15. moriachi

    moriachi Line of Credit

    ahhh...good ol' vitamin V. Makes the world go round it does.

    t3rr - you not taken them out of the boxes??
  16. t3rr18l3one

    t3rr18l3one Fresh Meat

    moriachi, na at least not till i move out of home and have a proper display case, even then i prolly wont. i think the box is as cool as the dolls are, ecpecially when its closed. they have books and stuff in them so it makes it a bit tempting but not just yet.

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