Benkyodo - Last Chance!

Discussion in 'BASK in the light of the Bay' started by Mr. Humphreys, Jan 28, 2022.

  1. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    Feb 28, 2008
    Land of Plush
    Benkyodo - Last Chance!
    After 115 years of hand making Japanese sweets, Benkyodo in Japan Town is sadly closing their doors on March 31, 2022. If you haven't tried their freshly made Mochi and Manju treats, it's well worth a final trip to sample their authentic and very tasty sweets before they close :cry:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Benkyodo Co.

    1747 Buchanan Street
    San Francisco, CA 94115
    (415) 922-1244
    (across the street from the Kintetsu Mall)


    NOTE: Bring cash! No credit cards debt cards accepted (this is a small family owned business). Visit early morning, as they are almost always sold out by 1:00 pm. They are closed Sunday & Monday.

    To see photos of the yummies, go here and click on the icon of the list of confections


    p.s. I'll be standing in line early this morning to get treats for the Lunar New Year!
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2022
  2. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    Feb 28, 2008
    Land of Plush
    Benkyodo - Last Chance!
    FOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Well got up early and dashed out the doors before even feeding the fat woolies (the cats). When I arrived, a two-block long line was already there :x:(
    more and more people came in a matter of seconds, and got in line

    Looked pretty grim! 30 minutes after opening their doors this morning, lots of people queueing. This did not look good, so I asked the young ladies behind me if they wouldn't mind holding my place in line, while I went ahead to see how much goods were left, relative to the number of people in line. Lots of eager old, middle-aged, and young (two and four legged) hoping for a taste of fresh mochi, peering into the windows intensely...

    People at the beginning of the line, but....
    Oh WAIT! What's that?!!!!

    ARRRRRGH!!! Foiled again!:x:x:x

    So it looks like you have to get in line well before 7:00 am, before you even stand a chance at getting the goods! They open at 9:00 am, and sold out at 9:30 am. Why were there so many people (especially those in the very front of the line with the sign staring right at them?) still waiting? I peered in the window and only saw a single tray of about 50 pieces left, enough for say 3 - 5 people at the most. They'd probably go back out and announce verbally, they sold out, after they officially sold the last piece. I went back down the line and spread the sad news. The ladies holding my place left the line, as I did. Everyone else still waited around. Once the confections are gone from the case, they are done for the entire day, unless you want to buy Japanese brand packaged snacks. Oh well.... Not sure If I want to wait in line 2-3 hours before the doors open (there is only so much mochi one can consume) -- I'd wait for a toy mind you, but not mochi! Sorta reminded me of Super 7 back in the day, when their toy shop was in Japan Town, and they'd have special Saturday releases. We'd line up to see if we can snag a toy, but I don't think the lines were as long as those for Benkyodo today. Went to Nijiya Market, up the street, and bought fresh mochi and smoked salmon rice balls (still warm from being made this morning!). Not a bad consolation prize :)

    Pardon the construction paper, we are doing more painting!
  3. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    Nov 3, 2006
    Benkyodo - Last Chance!
    That's a bummer to hear Benkyodo is closing. I only had a chance to go there once- after a JTown Super7 trip- but enjoyed the visit and the treats. I remember the 'nostalgic' look of the shop, which looked as if it hadn't changed since the 70s/80s. There's a lot of these old time establishments that are closing in Hawaii as well, whether due to COVID or just a lack of interest by the next generation of owners. Always sad to see, but I guess everything has its life cycle.

    Thanks for sharing the information and your visit. Hope you are able to go back when the lines are shorter.
    Mr. Humphreys likes this.
  4. TattooDougHardy

    TattooDougHardy Comment King

    Jun 26, 2013
    San Francisco, Ca. USA
    Benkyodo - Last Chance!
    Yeah the lines are still like that daily- I hit Nijiya to pick up my lunch for work many times a week and people aren't letting this opportunity pass.
  5. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    Benkyodo - Last Chance!
    This place looks great, Grace, I am really sorry to hear that it is closing (and your attempt to enjoy it before it goes was also foiled). It is such a shame when a place which is so loved, and clearly still has a strong capacity to draw patrons, has to shut down for whatever reason.

    I was very saddened to hear during the pandemic that another local mainstay near my home was closing after nearly 40years. :(

    It even inspired a short doc on the subject,

    which may be streamable, depending on your location (grrrr for geo-restrictions :x).
    Mr. Humphreys likes this.
  6. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    Feb 28, 2008
    Land of Plush
    Benkyodo - Last Chance!
    What a beautiful story! I agree that it's sad when these family owned establishments close. They have so much heart. They seem to be an integral part of that community and very much loved too. Thank you for sharing.
    ultrakaiju likes this.
  7. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    Aug 6, 2007
    Benkyodo - Last Chance!
    Benkyodo is open till the end of March. Unfortunately, there are people that think just because they are in line, they are entitled to purchasing some mochi that when one of the owners comes out to say they are sold out, she gets yelled at for not making enough. She was telling me one customer that yelled at her, later came back to apologize. I wish I was there to put those people in their place. They're the ones that don't deserve any mochi.
  8. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    Feb 28, 2008
    Land of Plush
    Benkyodo - Last Chance!
    Yup! I'm with you there! What is it with these people with entitled attitudes?! :evil: Every time I am in Jtown (which is pretty often, since I serve Mass at St. Dominic's), I try to go by and check the lines. If the lines are too long, I know it's not even worth trying. Also, if you're in line, and you're not sure how fast the goodies are selling, ask the people in back of you to save your place, while you go check out the supply. It's stupid just waiting hours in line, if there aren't going to be any. When it's gone, it's gone people! Sheesh! :dam:
    p.s. just walk up to Nijiya to get fresh mochi, if Benkyodo runs out. It's still very fresh and quite yummy!
    Brooklyn_Vinyl likes this.

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