Gargamel Sunrise Visual Checklist

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by dokuroking, Apr 27, 2017.

  1. dokuroking

    dokuroking Comment King

    I couldn't find a thread on this and as a few just came out, I thought I'd make a checklist.

  2. BrainDeadBrum

    BrainDeadBrum Toy Prince

    This was a good idea. I now know I have all of them except the small unpainted one, ill probably keep it that way too. Really hoping to see more of these come out in the future. Also, these are the only figures I have seen in a matte vinyl.
  3. analog101

    analog101 Addicted

    I think there is a matte and a gloss of the Scopedog and L-Gaim releases. One was sold their first year at Chara along with the sd keshi and the other was next year with the other scopedogs.
  4. dokuroking

    dokuroking Comment King

    I'm not sure. I had lost track seeing prototypes and stuff so I checked with Naoya and he thought this was it for actual releases, that said they release a lot of stuff so easy to be missing a couple! hahaha

  5. dokuroking

    dokuroking Comment King

    The small one is resin btw and not vinyl.

  6. analog101

    analog101 Addicted

  7. BrainDeadBrum

    BrainDeadBrum Toy Prince

    I remember seeing a painted brown or copper scopedog. I haven't been able to locate the picture I saw of it though : / Maybe it was a one-off or test pull/paint.
  8. dokuroking

    dokuroking Comment King

  9. dokuroking

    dokuroking Comment King

    Yes there were some pics of alternate colors and also some other attachments (note guns are different on the releases above). Hopefully more will see the light of day!

  10. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    This is a release list of the Votoms, L-Gaim and SD Gundam figures that I pulled together from Gargamel's website. The names of the designs and equipment are not exact, but taken from Gargamel's descriptions.

    The two that are designated as 'Anime ver.' were mentioned by Gargamel to use a new color of vinyl so as to more closely match the colors on TV.


    2014 Chara Hobby (8/24/14) - Scopedog (1st ver.) (gloss vinyl w/ rifle)
    2014 Chara Hobby (8/24/14) - L-Gaim (1st ver.) (gloss vinyl)
    2014 Chara Hobby (8/24/14) - SD Musha Mk. II (resin)
    2015 Chara Hobby (8/23/15) - Scopedog (2nd ver.) (matte vinyl w/ rifle)
    2015 Chara Hobby (8/23/15) - L-Gaim (2nd ver.) (matte vinyl)
    2015 Chara Hobby (8/23/15) - Scopedog Parachute Sack Equip Melkia Colors (matte vinyl)
    2015 Chara Hobby (8/23/15) - Scopedog Turbo Custom Chirico Machine (matte vinyl)
    2016/02 Gargamel webstore - Scopedog 'Anime ver.' (3rd ver.) (gloss vinyl w/o weapons)
    2016/02 Gargamel webstore - Scopedog Parachute Sack Squip Melkia Colors 'Anime ver.' (2nd ver.) (gloss vinyl w/ new gun)
    2017/04 Gargamel webstore - Standing Turtle
    2017/04 Gargamel webstore - Snapping Turtle
  11. dokuroking

    dokuroking Comment King

    Thanks for the research everyone! Anyone have pics of the second release Scopedog and L-Gaim to add?

  12. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Question about the Scopedogs: the Turbo Custom has bicep articulation?
  13. analog101

    analog101 Addicted

    No, all are modeled after vintage robots and have very simple articulation, keeping in line with their inspiration.
  14. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Do you happen to have one of the Scopedog Turbo Customs in hand? I only have the regular Scopedog (first issue, the glossy one with the rifle) and it doesn't have a cut in the bicep like this one appears to.

  15. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    @Roger The Turbo Custom does have a cut in the bicep, but I could not get the arm to swivel. Maybe it is just a really tight joint, but I didn't want to force it.
  16. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Maybe it's just for assembly purposes then. Thanks for checking.
  17. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    I thought it was Den Ace? Or something like that.
  18. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    Are you thinking of DenDen Toys? I think that was just the booth name that G used at Wonderfestival.
  19. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    Last edited: Jun 5, 2019
  20. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Those large Gundam vinyls (licensed by Sunrise) were produced by a company called Denjin, are you thinking of those?
  21. Roger

    Roger Vintage

  22. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    I'm happy they made it to the Tortoise/Turtle before stopping.
    dokuroking likes this.
  23. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    How amazing would it have been if we got a Diving Beetle?
    dokuroking likes this.

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