Yodobashi Camera Song

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Roger, Nov 24, 2021.

  1. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Mark K likes this.
  2. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    The Yamanote line goes around in circles, the Chuo line cuts it in the middle, in the west exit of Shinjuku, there it is: Yodobashi Camera!

    In Shinjuku, where young people meet, there is a happy camera shop, there are also video cameras and watches in Yodobashi Camera!

    In the west exit of Shinjuku, there is a big camera store, there are also word-processors, there are also video games in Yodobashi Camera!

    Good mothers, good fathers, good families, we have home appliances, that is our philosophy/motto, home appliances also in Yodobashi Camera!

    (thank you to
    Mark K likes this.

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