
Discussion in 'Whatever' started by kid_miracleman, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    ^^^ That vid reminded me of another shoot incident. I don't remember if it was also at a JOSHI show or not, but it involved another two Japanese female wrestlers. I don't think it was a hardcore match, but one of them ended up just gushing blood if I recall. The MuttonAndTheHam youtube channel posts some pretty f'd up stuff sometimes.

    EDIT: And just like that, after writing all that out....I come to realize the video I'm talking about is the exact one you posted. I Had to re-watch it a second time for it to come to the realization. Wow. I'm clinically daft.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2017
  2. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King


    Also did anyone see Nakamura's entrance from last night's NXT? The crowd just goes berserk. Then again how could you not?
  3. coma21

    coma21 Mini Boss

    I have been a WWE fan since I was 13 I believe. The first time I watched Raw Mick Foley won the title from the Rock. So he has always been my favorite wrestler. It's nice having him back and I think the brand split helped add new life to the product a bit but overall I think the booking and writing are still suffering. WWE has become afraid of characters. They don't develop sub plot anymore and everything is always a fued. You have guys like Finn Balor and Braun wyatt trying to return the fun characters of old and they don't even put them on the same roster. Those two should be feuding for the IC title then a year or two from now doing it on the main stage. If Seth Rollins really hates the Mcmahons let see him donsome crazy shit not just whine about it. All these components are there but none of them are getting put where they need to be.
    As for the Rumble I'm not really sure what the play is in terms of winning or losing I can think of some scenarios but I think it could go a bunch of different ways.
  4. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    So how 'bout Rumble last night? Thoughts? We can obviously find bucket loads of things to complain and moan about but what about positives?
  5. kid_miracleman

    kid_miracleman Comment King

    The Cena vs. AJ match was fantastic. It really made AJ look great despite pretty much knowing his was going to lose.

    The rumble itself? Not bad except for the last 1/3rd. Not enough surprises. Really liked how Strowman was booked, especially bringing up Corbin. But when Goldberg tossed out Lesnar on his ass AGAIN like he was paper? That shit was dumb. I was hoping they'd beat the shit out of each other real quick, knock each other out, and brawl out. Undertaker need to retire at this point. I feel like I'm watching Undertaker's dad. Reigns at #30 was borderline spiteful to the fans. And Orton winning I'm not a big fan of. He's a great talent but if it's Cena vs. Orton 4.7 x 10 ^ 23, fuck it. Rumor is Cena drops to Bray at Elimination Chamber. Bray vs. Orton could be interesting and really elevates Bray.

    If that happens, let's hope he doesn't get injured again. Some people are borderline cursed in this industry.
    coma21 likes this.
  6. coma21

    coma21 Mini Boss

    I agree with you on a lot of the Rumble. I think overall it was a good product but I really just want to punch them for forcing Roman Reigns on me over and over. Plus having him eliminate the Undertaker it's like do you guys want me to hate Reigns I'm so confused.
  7. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    Also where were all the throwback surprises? Hacksaw Jim Duggan? I thought he was in like every Rumble?? Mick Foley? I know he's a manager or something now but it woulda be fun to see him again....
  8. coma21

    coma21 Mini Boss

    I'm hoping Mick does one more small go of it. He's lost a lot of weight and will soon probably be in the best shape of his life. I would really love to see him do a small grudge match story line with someone.
  9. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

  10. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

  11. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    Elimination Chamber! Holy shit! Please discuss!
  12. coma21

    coma21 Mini Boss

    I am so hyped that not only did Bray Wyatt FINALLY win a title but he pinned John Cena and AJ Styles. It's time for Bray to spread his wings and show people he is main event material.
  13. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    Agreed! I did not expect him to pin AJ Styles, let alone Cena. Also that handicap match and the tag team matches were fantastic! Honestly way better than the Rumble in my opinion....and that's saying alot because I love the Rumble match.
    coma21 likes this.
  14. psilo110

    psilo110 Post Pimp

    MisterYuck likes this.
  15. a.tom

    a.tom Addicted

    This! Finally!
    I also liked how they managed that no one looked weak in that match - Corbin just did a rookie mistake but was dominating until then, Ambrose did not really lose, The Miz was awesome (I really love that he managed to eventually have the people do the yes chants) and the finale was really great - I expected Bray to win but after he pinned Cena I thought they wouldn't give him the win also.

    Disappointed with the whole Ziggler thing - he is losing as much as he was before he turned heel - so why are we doing this?
  16. kid_miracleman

    kid_miracleman Comment King

    At this point I'm just sort of done with Ziggler entirely. I'm sick of his music, his hair, his 80s style costuming, his sudden explosive way of speaking as a heel or face, his selling style, etc.
  17. coma21

    coma21 Mini Boss

    This thread is in need of a shot in the arm. Let's see some wrestling talk and some toy pics. How about our favorite Undertaker Matches?
    First one that comes to mind is King of the Ring '98 against Mankind.

    Unforgettable. Changed my life. Both are easily in my top 5 wrestlers of all time.

    See. Never forget.
  18. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    So anyone else binge watching Lucha Underground now that it's on Netflix? Saw a few episodes when it was on cable, but getting see matches back to back now...man....it's 10000000x better than WWE, but I'm biased since I just love anything lucha. Also does anyone here know how one could go about acquiring flyers/posters from any true lucha matches from Mexico? Like the classic silkscreened dual/tri colored prints.
  19. BleedingEdges

    BleedingEdges Addicted

    Been loving Lucha Underground on Netflix, lots of awesome talent on there
    stonecutterjeff and MisterYuck like this.
  20. a.tom

    a.tom Addicted

    Wow, WWE advertises the women's revolution for over a year, has the first women's MITB match ever because they are so awesome, make a five minutes promo before the match with all the great female wrestlers in it and how this is their legacy and then...
    Have a fucking guy grab the suitcase and win the match.
    This might be the stupidest thing they have ever done.
  21. stonecutterjeff

    stonecutterjeff Fresh Meat

    I am fine with the ending. It's what I predicted before the match. Nothing would have changed if natty or char or Becky would of grabbed the briefcase. It wouldn't of advanced anything. And it got people talking and I'm sure everybody is tuned into smackdown to see what d Bryan will do.
  22. psilo110

    psilo110 Post Pimp

  23. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    resurrecting this thread. Subscribed to the Lucha Loot monthly subscription box and I am pleasantly surprised by the quality of goods included. Seriously let's get a pro-wres discussion going!
  24. DrMadness

    DrMadness Addicted

    So I've only been following wrestling for maybe 2 years now with moderate interest. Started with wwe, then Roh, then NJPW.
    Is anyone excited about the golden lovers reunion? I personally miss the bullet club (yeah yeah is he or isn't he now? #teamkenny :roll:) Kenny Omega. Kota Ibushi doesn't impress me, and I feel like he's dragging Kenny down
  25. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    i don't know much about the golden lovers except that they used to be tag partners back in the day. Pretty interesting storyline to be sure as I never thought Kenny would leave the Bullet Club. I am getting the sense however that he'll return to it in some fashion. I'm a big fan of Los Ingobernables de Japon and specifically Bushi, but he's a total jobber that loses to get people over. That and he runs his own fried chicken business on the side so he's probably busy with that.

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