Which Video Games Are You Currently Playing?

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Aaron, May 17, 2010.

  1. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    My boyfriend's buddy got him into Warframe, and as usual, I followed suit... Game is ridiculously addictive and amazing for a free-to-play game. (Think space ninjas. With guns.) There's open trading of the pay currency so you can have access to everything through 100% free means just by selling things to other players for the premium currency. It's also WAY more fun with friends.
  2. Rhuff6249

    Rhuff6249 Fresh Meat

    Agreed...big souls fan. Dark Souls 2 had a pasteurized feel to it. I'm only about 12 hours in but Bloodborne is delivering. The mechanics are similar, the environments are much different but feel eerily familiar. If you are a souls fan it's a must have. But be prepared to die...often. Btw +1 on Miyazaki. It's odd but you could feel his absence while playing DS2. It's like they had the formula, but the gameplay and the environment just didn't feel as "organic". Bloodborne does, if you like the souls franchise this is a slam dunk!
  3. GoldenArmKid

    GoldenArmKid Line of Credit

    Yes!! Got a PS4 to join the party and so far it's worth every cent.

    PSN: goldenarmkid

    I could never quite put my finger on what it was with Dark souls 2 that didn't suck me in like the previous titles but reading all that makes sense. The progression definitely feels more natural.
  4. a.tom

    a.tom Addicted

    I just opened my (first?) chalice dungeon and from the description I think you can do these in co-op. Also, you can use a code for matchmaking and co-op gameplay as far as I understood it.
    PSN: tomtrast
  5. RudeBeast

    RudeBeast Line of Credit

    Yes, you can both co-op and matchmake (although the latter will permanently close the dungeon to summoned co-op, allowing only matchmaking). Root calice dungeons are randomly generated while standard calice ones aren't - if I understood well.
    After 80+ hours playing Bloodborne, I think this is one of the best games (if not thee best) I've ever played. It's simply mind blowing.
    PSN: robeetoe
  6. GoldenArmKid

    GoldenArmKid Line of Credit

    I'm roughly half way through my first playthrough, Staying true to the Kirkhammer!
  7. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

    I'm about 1/3 through NG+ on Bloodborne, currently level 150 or so. I'm taking my time on this second playthrough since I missed a few optional areas and I still don't have all of the weapons and armor sets. I somehow screwed up an and missed an entire quest line for the second time so I guess I'll have to do that on NG++.

    I spent a few hours last weekend camping outside the
    Grand Cathedral / Vicar Amelia boss fight entrance,
    ringing my Small Resonant Bell to help other hunters with that and the NPCs in the area. Just doing that over and over was really fun and can net you over half a million bloodechoes in a relatively short time.

    Even as a newb to the Souls series, I'll (blood)echo what Rob said and proclaim this as one of my favorite games of all time. Literally everything about it -- the eldritch / Lovecraftian mythos, the combat system, the weapons, enemies, bosses, level design, and most of all, the atmosphere -- is so intricately detailed and fascinating. It is the sum of a whole lot of incredibly well done parts. I've read a bunch of theories about the lore concerning certain aspects of the game (pregnancy, the moon, insight and insanity) and can't get enough. I sincerely cannot wait to check out the DLC that will undoubtedly be coming.
  8. RudeBeast

    RudeBeast Line of Credit

    I need to start doing this, was thinking about it yesterday and glad to read it can lead to a lot of blood echoes! Also I totally agree, can't wait for DLC, this is truly Miyazaki's finest!
  9. RudeBeast

    RudeBeast Line of Credit

    Talk of the devil...


    Sounds like Miyazaki will be back to directing a Souls :twisted:
  10. thefauxbot

    thefauxbot Addicted

    Is anyone else playing Splatoon on WiiU? It's incredible - just hits so many of the right notes for me. Very rewarding and enjoyable multiplayer that retains a pick-up-and-play mentality, as opposed to the more 'serious' shooters than seem to favour those who plough the most time into a title. Also, very reminiscent of the golden age of Dreamcast. Ingenuity and hyper-colour throughout.
  11. kid_miracleman

    kid_miracleman Comment King

    I just beat the Witcher 3. Very fun game. Has some of the same problems too many games have, but it is a fun, smart adult RPG.
  12. a.tom

    a.tom Addicted

    That is good news.
    Though I really love Bloodborne for the lore, setting, creature design and overall creepyness it really left me a little dissappointed.
    It is just not RPG enough for me. Your character is defined by the choice of weapon only (one of what, 10 weapons? Most of which you will not get until your almost through your first playthrough.).
    I missed playing around with different weapons of the same type and debating which upgrade path to go for or whether to invest another point to raise my equip burden so I can fastroll with the heavier armor or go all dex. Or a little magic? Stuff like that.
    The multiplayer features did not convince me either.

    So yeah, looking forward to a Miyazaki RPG :twisted:
  13. evom

    evom Mini Boss

  14. FLTodd

    FLTodd Toy Prince

    I just picked up an Xbox One with Halo pack. Also picked up Destiny and Titanfall. I know I'm late to everything I just noted. That said, I'm really enjoying all of it. Took a couple years off from gaming and this has all been a nice homecoming. Despite all the criticism around Destiny (lack of story, etc.), I'm all in! Preordered the new Taken King just announced as well.

    I purachased the Xbox One pretty much because of the Star Wars Battleground announcement a while back. After seeing the in-game play video from E3 yesterday... :shock: I can't wait!
  15. Nate

    Nate Line of Credit

    Playing Gears of War Beta! 60 FPS is sweet. XD
  16. goddamnanalog

    goddamnanalog Toy Prince

    The destiny franchise just keeps getting better and better. Despite all the early and continued criticism, I am a true fan! Can't wait for The Taken King!

    Tried Bloodborne, couldn't really get into it. It's my first from the series and I guess I am having a hard time getting adjusted. Will try and push on hopefully I can get a hang of it.

    Finally picked up Shadows of Mordor as well. About to have a go at it.

    And the FFVII remake!! :shock: Yes please!
  17. RudeBeast

    RudeBeast Line of Credit

    Wow, I'm loving every minute of Bloodborne... but I welcome a new Souls!
  18. missy

    missy Post Pimp

    Is anyone still playing Smash Bros for 3DS? (or Wii U) I have both and could do some online battles!
  19. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    Heroes of the Storm, and no I will not play DOTA (you know who you are ;) )
  20. Yuck!!!

    Yuck!!! Side Dealer

    HoTS is pretty good, but I burned out on it pretty quickly during beta. I can't really do the games where it is more or less the same every match. I mean the different maps and of course players make a big difference, but when I am into a game I tend to play a lot and burn out rather than just a game or 2 a night, which I think it is more set up for. Also they kept nerfing every character I liked, Tychus especially. It's typical Blizzard quality for sure though.
  21. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    come back when new content is released. The Butcher seems like he will be pretty OP and the new map looks like it will be interesting. I'm pretty terrible at HotS :(
    The Butcher

    Battlefield of Eternity
  22. Yuck!!!

    Yuck!!! Side Dealer

    I'll likely pop in here and there at some point, new content definitely being an incentive. There is a learning curve for sure, honestly I think most players' early games should more or less just focusing on not dying, rather than actually trying to contribute much. It is so easy to chase someone down for a kill and die yourself, instead of playing smart and defensively.
  23. GoldenArmKid

    GoldenArmKid Line of Credit

    Finally made it through Bloodborne! Beautiful game that easily ranks up there with my favourite games ever. I've just started playing The Witcher 3 which is a nice change of pace, Had to up the difficulty though coming off of Bloodborne, I think I'm more comfortable dying :lol:
  24. RudeBeast

    RudeBeast Line of Credit

    Congrats! I'm trying to complete the trophies, almost there but still need to wipe the dungeons clean
  25. psilo110

    psilo110 Post Pimp


    Tiny Troopers 2 is a lot of fun, game play is easy enough... just tap where you want your squad to move or shoot.

    the graphics & fx are great for mobile gaming, available for both iOS & Android.

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