Walders/Cyborgs and Secret Base Toxic/Death Phantom suits...checklist anywhere?

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by khanate, Dec 26, 2017.

  1. khanate

    khanate Side Dealer

    Just unearthed the mother lode of vintage and reissue bodies and the many Toxic Phantom and Death Phantom suits I had collected around 10 years ago. Would love to be able to put names to the colors - I seem to remember there being a checklist of sorts back then, but can't find anything now. Anyone have a clue?

    Russblue11 likes this.
  2. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    Ooooof! NICE! What's the purple box?
    Sorry, can't help with the checklist.
  3. khanate

    khanate Side Dealer

    That's the Toxic Phantom "Saga-Chang's VOMIT COLOR" suit, for Cure's 5th Anniversary. Includes a killer shirt as well. Now to figure out which suit it actually is :)

    This one is probably my favorite, the GID shirt is bonkers:

    chimmychazz likes this.
  4. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    My guess is that the guy back-left goes with the purple box. Unfortunately I only have one box (the front one in your pic), that I think that goes with the back-right? I could never remember which was Saga, Takeshit, or Hiro Grimm.

    That Death Phantom shirt is AWESOME!!! WANT!

    khanate likes this.

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