Vintage olive drab M-65 army field jacket - cool or uncool?

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Roger, Dec 1, 2005.


Vintage olive drab M-65 army field jacket - cool or uncool?

  1. cool

    2 vote(s)
  2. uncool

    1 vote(s)
  1. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    You decide:

  2. yiminy

    yiminy Toy Prince

    Cool, but instead of the M9 Beretta I'd go with the Sig P226
  3. straightoutta..LOKASH

    straightoutta..LOKASH Side Dealer

    unless you were or are in the army,i would take th army off.
  4. Arin C.

    Arin C. Line of Credit

    I had one of these in middle school. I was not cool. vote submitted :)
  5. Paulkaiju

    Paulkaiju Mini Boss

    You need a short mowhawk with it and some aviator shades.

    "You talkin' to me?"
  6. Arin C.

    Arin C. Line of Credit

    bobby d can cool-up pretty much any look
  7. Count

    Count Post Pimp

    Yeah if you can slide guns out of the sleeves than it's really cool.
  8. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Looks like the consensus is "uncool".


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