Discussion in 'Custom Toys and Fan Art' started by VELOCITRON, Mar 26, 2009.


    VELOCITRON Comment King

    Busy with a bunch of projects lately, but it was really fun to squeeze a couple of customs in there! I think these turned out pretty well!








    And before the vintage nuts tie me up by my nuts, let me explain: I bought that Garuban of YJA knowing it was in bad shape as a fixer-upper. I didn't know quite how bad it really was, though: when I received the figure, both of the side horns were missing, almost all of the paint was worn off, and there was this disgusting brown gunk all over it. Pretty much looked like someone had dredged it out of a lake. So I boiled it several times to loosen up the gunk, scrubbed it down with a toothbrush to remove the remainder, stripped the little bit of paint that remained, made new horns and glued them in, then primed and painted him. I would never paint over a vintage figure that was in anything approaching decent condition, but I love this sculpt and wanted to do a restoration project on him.
  2. leadster

    leadster Addicted

    They all look great Ricky! But the restoration project Garuban is my favorite. It looks great the way you finish off the top with the red/pink hues from the bottom. Hope you don't catch flack, but I wouldn't worry about it too much.
  3. REdYOdA

    REdYOdA Comment King

    All are amazing! I especially like the 'Tokyo Vice' Kemur!!!

    What a great job restoring the Garuban...I would not have even noticed the new horns. 8)
    I would love to paint a Garuban...but same here, I wouldn't ever paint a vintage and the repro's have such cool paint already. Cool you found one that needed some tlc.
  4. bannedindc

    bannedindc S7 Royalty

    The Garuban slays!
  5. Stone

    Stone Side Dealer

    Damn! Ricky you have mad talent dude!
    These look awesome....And yes Garuban Rules!
  6. Greasebat

    Greasebat Side Dealer

    what he said...excellent work

    VELOCITRON Comment King

    Thanks! I'm really glad you like them. This was my first time in a while painting full-size figures, and it was fun to get to try some different paint apps!

    The Garuban was so much fun, it makes me want to make a junk kaiju figure someday!
  8. pickleloaf

    pickleloaf Super Deformed

    you did with the kemuria what i wanted to do a few months ago

    i fucked up the white suit while painting, got pissed, and i havent been back to painting at all!

    nice work!
  9. onwi

    onwi Toy Prince

    I'm digging that Kemurujin; great job.
  10. scottygee

    scottygee Comment King

    Great work on all three pieces! Love the colors on all of them, but particularly the Garuban.
  11. dustin

    dustin Addicted

    Nice work on the Garuban restoration, looks great. Way to bring it back to life.
  12. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    I'm really liking the gamera. It has a vintage feel, like you found a vintage toy that was stored away in some sort of capsule. So now it looks all brand new. I really really like this !

    VELOCITRON Comment King

    Thanks! I wanted him to have a neo-vintage look, shiny and new but with that little bit of vintage flavor. I'm glad you guys like these, because after seeing some of the other entries I realized just what a high level a lot of the customizers on here are at! So many total next level figures!!!

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