
Discussion in 'Whatever' started by SaintOfSpinners, Jun 24, 2014.

  1. SaintOfSpinners

    SaintOfSpinners Side Dealer

    This British tv series seems so Skullbrain oriented. Conspiracies. Ultra violence. Great soundtrack. Think of it as X Files mixed with Fargo twisted by Grant Morrison.

    The first season ended like it was finished and we were all doomed. DOOMED I tell you! But it seems a second season is about to start.

  2. land

    land Toy Prince

    yeah i'd say it's a decent show. neil maskell is in it, and he's highly entertaining. if you like him you should try "kill list". that film is bonkers.
  3. a.tom

    a.tom Addicted

    I loved the first season!
    It is unpredictable, has great characters, stunning visuals and an awesome story that kept me on the edge of my seat.
    Cannot wait for season two. I guess I will have to rewatch S1 . . . things went so crazy in the end that I have problems remembering how it ended . . .
  4. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Wow what a recommendation! Just watched episode one and loved it. Those hit men are ruthless. Wilson Wilson lol
  5. leucotomy

    leucotomy Comment King

    RB is an incredible character in this. One of my favourite tv series' ever, wasn't a massive hit here in the UK and a lot of people didn't watch past episode 1 because of how graphic it gets. but the story is incredible and the colours are beautiful.
  6. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Yeah I was reading about it online before watching it. Many fans were saying your average person didn't get it, and that any kind of show of substance is lost on the masses who would rather not have to think. Sold me ;)

    It's well shot, the plot is very complex, and the graphic violence does tend to keep you interested. I keep thinking in every scene: "How is this going to go horribly wrong?!" I'm marathoning it now- on episode 4.
  7. leucotomy

    leucotomy Comment King

    Going to do this myself with my girl soon prior to series 2
  8. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Series 2 premiere is tomorrow July 14th. Can't wait to watch it.
  9. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    ^^ Glad i read this thread a while ago . . . I finished series 1 the other day.

    I liked it a lot, it had an interesting style.
    It was quite upbeat and jaunty in its direction but at the same time haunting and bone-crushingly violent.

    I loved all the 'deep throat' conspiracy shit, where you dont know who to trust or what side people are actually on.
    The soundtrack was perfect too, really gave it extra atmosphere . . .

    I'm looking forward to see what they do with series 2 :)
  10. mutantshark

    mutantshark Comment King

    What a strange but great show! Has a tone we dont see in American tv. The violence is brutal but happens so expectantly sometimes that its not graphic/"hard to watch" to me, almost comic bookey or comedic in some sense.

    Binged on season one yesterday and finished the finale this morning. Ep 1 &2 of Season 2 downloading now... :)

    Also interesting is that the whole sterilizing virus thing was the plot to the last dan brown book. Theyre worried about a plague unleashing the whole book and then its unveiled that it will just steralize a huge portion of the world and its already out there! And the reasons why they unleashed it are the same: over population, resource management, etc
  11. SaintOfSpinners

    SaintOfSpinners Side Dealer

    S02E01 Might throw you at first. The whole thing looks like your watching through an old 70's tv set as it is set in the mid to late 70's. But it is awesome how it reconstructs a few happenings in the historic time line to meet the story line.

    S02E02 Will get right back to the present madness.
  12. mutantshark

    mutantshark Comment King

    The stylistic choice of s02e01 shot in 4:3 and vignetted is brilliant. It helps convey the time period as well as any wardrobe or setdressing.

    Does anyone here agree with the concepts brought up in the show?
  13. leucotomy

    leucotomy Comment King

    That's such a hard question given the concepts they raise they constantly question from both sides, genuine issues are raised and I'm left in constant denial
  14. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    I liked both new episodes. That first one really put perspective into everything going on with the continuous 1970's flashback. I almost wished they stretched that out for two episodes! The development of Arby from child to murderer was quite sad. Not sure if he's gone to the other side or is a mole for the the sterilizers.
  15. mutantshark

    mutantshark Comment King

    I feel me not knowing UK history kinda hindered all the alt history vibe they were going for but i picked up on wht they were trying to do haha

    Yes on one rational hand i agree with the rabbit but on my other human hand? Hmmmm i like my spoiler above a lot of issues of this nature were in another book i read so this is the 2nd time i get to contemplate human existance... Still lost
  16. leucotomy

    leucotomy Comment King

    so the utopia experiments graphic novel will see a limited release! so stoked for this, anxious to get my hands on a copy i'm just not sure how hard they will be able to come by. I also wondered if any font heads here could tell me which font they use for the title, picture attached below.

  17. thefauxbot

    thefauxbot Addicted

  18. leucotomy

    leucotomy Comment King

    thats pretty close man, downloaded it myself, hoping someone else knows the exact name
  19. a.tom

    a.tom Addicted

    One question - was Arby's lack of empathy induced by his father's experiments or was he born with it and then his father made it worse trying to 'cure' it . . . I missed this due to language issues (you have no idea how hard it is to understand the British accents if you are not a native speaker and are used to American English).
  20. leucotomy

    leucotomy Comment King

    I don't think he was born with it, I think it was carvel trying an experiment which he couldn't reverse after he got the effects he wanted
  21. blakewest

    blakewest Post Pimp

  22. jl

    jl Line of Credit

    the evilness of the Netwrok plan is no surprse I guess !
    Such a great show by the way !
  23. a.tom

    a.tom Addicted

    Thanks, leucotomy.
  24. a.tom

    a.tom Addicted

  25. SaintOfSpinners

    SaintOfSpinners Side Dealer

    New 10 episode series on USA Network called Mr Robot. Though not as good as either (so far) it feels like Fight Club meets Utopia. That mix makes me happy.

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