Toy Company Resurrection

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by badteethcomics, Mar 30, 2015.

  1. badteethcomics

    badteethcomics Post Pimp

    Which toy makers would you like to see producing new (or re-releasing old) stuff again??

    I'd love to see regular releases from Hukkokudo and Charactics these days.. And of course it would be awesome to see new Toygraph releases. I've heard that there are health problems related to Toygraph's absence but does anybody know why Hukkokudo (marmit) and Charactics aren't releasing anything?
  2. Michael Beverage

    Michael Beverage Line of Credit

    Toygraph and Cronic fo sho
    SpectralNight likes this.
  3. Yuck!!!

    Yuck!!! Side Dealer

    Cronic, Charactics and Toygraph for me as well, also:

    Ilanena: Years ago there was supposed to be another Dai Kaiju Card Monsters 3-pack of different characters that never surfaced, would love to see that.

    Emupaiya: Would love to see them do more pachi kaiju in the scale of their Heater, Ecchi and Metrokabayan.

    Yamazakura: I think this is just a RXH offbrand? Either way I would have liked to see more releases. I still never managed to track down any of the GIDs I wanted and they seem to rarely turn up anymore.

    Murakoshi: Obscure brand, they did the Happy Birds, Pirabot, and I am pretty sure one other figure but I can't remember or find a pic. I liked the random different sort of stuff they released and would be interested to see what else they'd have come up with.
    SpectralNight likes this.
  4. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    I would love to see him do a comeback too.
    Also, DxSxHx. Are they still around ?
  5. phantomfauna

    phantomfauna Side Dealer

  6. badteethcomics

    badteethcomics Post Pimp

    I believe they are still active (making the Marvel/DC/Star Wars retro line for Medicom) but I'd love to see Bear Model bring out some more goofy looking monster figures
  7. useless toys

    useless toys Post Pimp

    Toygraph, but just so I could get my hands on a Gunhead.
  8. Michael Beverage

    Michael Beverage Line of Credit

    Bear Model is still active making kaiju to my knowledge. Heading to the PO to pick up two newer releases today. Not sure if they are pumping out new sculpts like they used to, but they are still pretty busy making kaiju.
  9. chimply.kaiju

    chimply.kaiju Side Dealer

    Toygraph exit from the sofubi seen is because the owner Shuuji Kajimoto-san had major health issues. He mention in his last post he was unsure of his return and that even some of his workers sought work with other sofubi companies. A real shame.

    Hukkokudo products are now being released through Target Earth since mid to late 2010 now. Target Earth just had sales early in March for the new color Diatryma on orange vinyl which was just release at the end of last week. Also TE had sales on some old Hukkokudo stock when they offer the Diatryma.
  10. guf

    guf Toy Prince

    Pilot Ace/Begul. Was very bummed to see the Harryhausen line of figures discontinued.
  11. Biff

    Biff S7 Royalty

    U.S. Toys - need more medium size!
  12. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    I'd also like to see Cronic come back. Really liked his take on fight figures.

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