Today - Bandcamp donates it's % to American Civil Liberties Union + labels taking it further

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by 3x3is9, Feb 3, 2017.

  1. 3x3is9

    3x3is9 Addicted

    Today is a good day to buy some music.
    Bandcamp will donate it's 100% of it's cut to the American Civil Liberties Union.
    Many labels are taking it a step further and donating there digital sales to the same or similar organisations.
    I plan on doing some purchases today and I thought it would be good to get a list going of all labels who are taking it a step further.

    Blue Sabbath Black Cheer - Donating 100% of there digital sales this weekend.

    Unseen Force - I lost the newsletter for this one, but I'm fairly sure they are donating 100% of there digital sales today.

    Greenhouse - All sales from this album will go to the Canadian Council for Refugees.

    Elevator Bath - Not donating there profits, but offering a 20% coupon this weekend: ACLU

    Mass Deadening - punk, gind, black, death, doom
    Note: this one happens to the be the label that is re-releasing my old grind/noise band. you can get the digital copy

    If you know of labels donating there digital earnings today please add them to this thread!
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2017

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