threeA Toys

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by Anonymous, Feb 28, 2011.

  1. sbbenhcs

    sbbenhcs Line of Credit

    make that 5 months... website said "ships march 2012"... then add on the traditional 2-3 month delay... you should get it by june. :roll:
  2. gomora63

    gomora63 Comment King

    oh then should be ready for next Halloween :D
  3. FLTodd

    FLTodd Toy Prince

    Buying 3A is really hard to do. My interests in toys change so often that buying something now and (maybe) getting it 6 months later is CRAZY. With that said, I ordered two random portable zombs. I’m pretty sure I’ll still like zombies 6 months from now. Then again, I’m sure I’ll still have an eBay account 6 months from now... just in case.
  4. rhinomilk

    rhinomilk Vintage

    Zombkin looks really cool (just sayin!)
  5. sbbenhcs

    sbbenhcs Line of Credit

    yeah, zombkin DID look hella cool... but i just couldn't bring myself to do it. (partially because of the wait, partially because of my feelings about ashley wood.) but i'm content to live vicariously through the pictures of others when it comes to 3A toys these days...
  6. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

    no zombkin for me. need to save $$ for the 3A x Bandai Zaku...!!
  7. rhinomilk

    rhinomilk Vintage

    just looked at the photos you had posted of this... looks fantastic!, but i wish the hands weren't so big.
  8. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

    yes, there is criticism on the scale of the hands vs. the tiny head on this guy. It's highly stylized, but I see why someone wouldn't like the scale.
  9. rhinomilk

    rhinomilk Vintage

    yeah. if it just looked like the concept drawing (that i see on the forum), it would be irresistible
  10. erichunpro

    erichunpro Toy Prince

    Perfect timing, then! hah. I don't mind the delay . . . I just bought so much stuff this month, It'll feel like a happy surprise when I finally do get it!
  11. hypnotiq

    hypnotiq Toy Prince

    I do bill me later with paypal, so I don't have to pay for few months. Ends up being pretty close to the shipping date when payment is due.
  12. erichunpro

    erichunpro Toy Prince

    I've never tried that, but for something like this, it makes good sense! You've had good luck with it? No extra charges or anything?
  13. hypnotiq

    hypnotiq Toy Prince

    I like it a lot. It's basically like a credit card, but you get a grace period of a few months to pay it off with no interest. You do however, have to make a minimum payment depending on what your balance is. Also, you have to spend a minimum of $199 to qualify for the grace period.
  14. erichunpro

    erichunpro Toy Prince

    Thanks for the tips, Hypnotiq!

    And now back to toys! :lol:
  15. Joe

    Joe Die-Cast

    Finally after months.
    It's been so long I don't care anymore.
    Who wants a Princess TQ?
  16. hypnotiq

    hypnotiq Toy Prince

    You get an extra too with new body.
  17. Joe

    Joe Die-Cast

    Not sure what you mean.
  18. hypnotiq

    hypnotiq Toy Prince

    Some people had problems with the paint chipping on their TQs. So 3A is sending everyone a replacement in addition to the one they got, and it will have the new TQ body.
  19. Joe

    Joe Die-Cast

    Oh. I don't even know. Mine is still sealed.
  20. hypnotiq

    hypnotiq Toy Prince

    Yeah, they are sending it out to everyone. Same address as the original shipment, so you don't have to do anything.
  21. Joe

    Joe Die-Cast

    Interesting. Any source of info or pic of new body vs old?
  22. hypnotiq

    hypnotiq Toy Prince

    Sorry, I don't really keep up with the TQ info. I do know that the current TQs have posing problems, and the new one is supposed to be a lot more posable.
  23. Joe

    Joe Die-Cast

    Found the info. On top of some NSFW pics. :lol:
  24. hypnotiq

    hypnotiq Toy Prince

    Not sure if you got the vanilla TQ as well, but they are sending replacements for those as well.

    Let me know if you want to get rid of it, a friend is looking for one for a custom :D
  25. Zulkarnaen

    Zulkarnaen Addicted

    Here are some comparison between the Mk1 (White) & the Mk2 (Pink) Tq bodies, changes are made to the arm & the Knee joints.



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