Things to do other than I FART A LOT about toys:

Discussion in 'Compliments & Comments' started by bryanarchy, Apr 8, 2007.

  1. bryanarchy

    bryanarchy Comment King

    (feel free to add to this list; production run unlimited, international suggestions accepted)

    1. go outside
    2. meet some people
    3. make out with a boy or a girl
    4. pay down some credit card debt instead of buying that toy that you know in your heart ain't worth it
    5. go buy a piece of art to hang on your wall
    6. call mom and tell her you love her
    7. toilet paper your old high school principal's house
    8. give one of your toys away to a 10 year old
    9. get laid
    10. take a course at community college
    11. outline the reasons that Stalin was able to position himself to turn Russia into a communist power in 2000 words (and then email it to me)
    12. rip all your cd's to your computer, go sell them then give the money to a deserving cause... youth emergency shelters are deserving
    13. pick up an instrument and annoy your neighbours
    14. surf wikipedia for 3 hours and see where you end up
    15. take a walk and find the coolest place in your neighbourhood; post a picture of it in whatever
    16. find/buy some drumsticks and play them on the coffee table as you watch tv; para diddle, para diddle
    17. grab that book you got for christmas, find a nice tree to sit under and read the fuck out of it
    18. go to a hobby store, buy a model version of your car and build it; recreate the dents and scratches you have on your real car; include garbage sitting in back seat
    19. buy/download a movie from the American Film Institute's greatest movies list's top ten
    20. ditch the high school wallet or fanny pack and buy a big ass Harley Davidson wallet
    21. clean your place, it looks like a shithole
    22. how many pushups can you do?
    23. go to a bookstore and grab a few magazines on subjects you're vaguely interested in
    24. go outside, look for a bird, then try and identify it
    25. see how you look in a devil-lock, post picture in whatever
    26. pack a box of stuff up and give it to goodwill
    27. email an old friend, remind them of an embarrassing moment they had
    28. remind yourself of your embarrassing moments, post in whatever
    29. play a game of checkers with someone
    30. buy some nice smelling hand lotion and get those dry disgusting paws beautiful again so you can hold hands with someone
    31. go read a book or website about a viewpoint opposing yours; try and see their point of view and find common ground
    32. clean up that harddrive
    33. take those stickers you're hoarding and stick them somewhere
    34. solve rubik's cube
    35. draw the best fucking skull you've ever drawn, post in whatever
    36. listen to what someone's saying instead of just using that time to think of what you wanna say
    37. that skateboard ain't gonna ride itself
    38. send an angry email to a tv station about something really absurd
    39. hand make some greeting cards, and reverse shoplift them into a Hallmark store
    40. make a list of bets/feats of strength you know you can win for next time you go to the bar
    41. play a spirited game of hot potato with some friends in a park
    42. choose a country at random and spend an hour or two learning about it.
    43. do you really need so many shoes?
    44. go to goodwill, buy a boardgame and host a party... with boys AND girls
    45. next time you go out with people, sneak cutlery into their pockets when they're in the bathroom
    46. get yourself a kooky business card made
    47. learn one magic trick
    48. go eat something health for once
    49. stay out all night
    50. turn off the computer
  2. M500

    M500 Toy Prince

    grill some swordfish
  3. straightoutta..LOKASH

    straightoutta..LOKASH Side Dealer

    I did that Friday!
  4. redhanded

    redhanded Side Dealer

    51. Forward the list to those deamed 'bitchy'
  5. cesar

    cesar Addicted

    Do all the above:

    but get stoned first.... 8)
  6. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

    52. I FART A LOT about toys...
  7. hillsy11

    hillsy11 Post Pimp

    53. I FART A LOT about toy bitchers

    54. Lick your toys one by one
  8. redhanded

    redhanded Side Dealer

  9. audiodifficulties

    audiodifficulties S7 Royalty

    glow in the dark.
  10. Mutonismyfriend

    Mutonismyfriend Die-Cast

    5?. Go and see the Gossip use a guitar, a drumkit and one happilly large, gloriously empowered, and hella voiced lady - BLOW YOUR DANCING ASS OFF!!!

    Seriously Bryan - YOU ARE SO FUCKING RIGHT!!!
  11. tavaro

    tavaro S7 Royalty

    complain about something else.
  12. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Best thread ever !

    56. Get a chair place it front your collection and actually enjoy it !
  13. locomoto566

    locomoto566 Super Deformed

    57. smoke crack and worship satan
  14. bryanarchy

    bryanarchy Comment King

    dude, that's two things
  15. Biff

    Biff S7 Royalty

    Paper due, eh?
  16. locomoto566

    locomoto566 Super Deformed

    The kinda go together, not quite the impact when they stand alone. How about 57, 57a.
  17. hillsy11

    hillsy11 Post Pimp

    D'oh! The secret is out....amongst other things....
  18. bryanarchy

    bryanarchy Comment King

    Look, either your part of the problem, or part of my history mark...
  19. zadzaczadlin

    zadzaczadlin Toy Prince

    58. jello shots (peach sugar free with coconut rum!) and karaoke (preferably something really cheesy from the 80's.)

    59. groom your mustache.
  20. redhanded

    redhanded Side Dealer

    60. restyle your merkin
  21. zadzaczadlin

    zadzaczadlin Toy Prince

  22. Frank Kozik

    Frank Kozik Mini Boss

    my toy-free weekend:

    61.tune up dirtbikes
    62.ride dirtbikes
    63.wash dirtbikes
    64.realize hauling dirtbike trailer with '93 Corolla sucks and makes you look gay
    65.go buy new 4x4 truck so you can feel ungay when haulig dirtbike trailer
    66.I FART A LOT about having to wait 2 weeks for new 4x4 truck to arrive from the port in benicia
    67.go online and imagine spending lots of money on accessories for 4x4 truck.
    68.argue with girlfriend about truck accessories
    69.make a sandwich
    70.tune up sportbikes
    71.ride sportbikes
    72.wash sportbikes
    73.clean garage
    74.measure garage door and realize new 4x4 truck will not fit
    75.think about taking sawz-all to garage wall.
    76.make a sandwich 'Deep Impact' and be amazed Elijah Wood was in it. Sopranos premiere, feel vaguely dissapointed.
    79. clean cats litterbox
    80.Fantasize about no longer owning 2 cats.
  23. efp3

    efp3 Side Dealer

    81. Eat fish tacos and flirt with waitress.
    82. Go see Grindhouse.
    83. Take multi smoke breaks not realizing GH is 4 hours.
    84. Watch freinds new episode of Caving with Cris.
    85. Make fun of freind when he screams like a girl when he runs into 1ft long giant desert centipede in Caving with Cris.
    86. Clean house.
    87. Get lost in IKEA for a couple of hours.
    88. Wonder why I now have a new lamp?
    89. Come to conclusion that IKEA employees must know how to use Jedi mind tricks.
    90. Plan another trip to IKEA.
    91. Watch Discover channel and understand why its 20 degrees hotter than last year.
    92. Go swimming!
  24. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    93. Revisit kaiju movies or check out the ones you've never seen. You'll be glad you did.

    I'm halfway through "Matango: Attack of the Mushroom People" right now, and am totally lovin' it. Watched "Godzilla vs. Mothra" and "Godzilla vs. Hedorah" last week and thoroughly enjoyed seeing them with fresh eyes. Got a few more lined up for the coming weeks. Seeing these movies again makes me love the toys even more.

    94. Watch all of the "Lone Wolf and Cub" DVDs in chronological order.

    ... and while I'm on a media theme ...

    95. Worry that the producers of "Battlestar Galactica" have taken such extreme liberties for the sake of a seasonal cliffhanger that the integrity of the series may have been endangered. Hope that your worries are misplaced and that they know what they're doing; They have a plan.
  25. Fig Belly

    Fig Belly Comment King


    93. I'll order one - three of each. Where do i pay?

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