Teenage Head

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by ultrakaiju, Aug 8, 2022.

  1. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Probably not a household name, but a band which played somewhat of a key role as pioneers in the early punk scene in Canada. Sorry to hear that Gord Lewis (far right above), one of the guitarists and founding members of the group, was found dead/suspected of being murdered yesterday.


    One of the interesting things about TH - and possibly one in which maybe some folks might have encountered them - was as featured in the 'classic' film Class of 1984 (also worth checking out!).

    Anyways, worth a listen as a bit of a tribute today, or even just to relax to some decent tunes.

  2. Matthew Melnick

    Matthew Melnick Fresh Meat

    I was so depressed about this, I love the band and their first record. I saw them in Toronto a long time ago and they kicked ass and i've been into them ever since. Such a bad thing to happen to Gord.

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