Taro Kern Nightmare Version for Kaiju Attack!! Barcelona

Discussion in 'Resonators Romper Room' started by idle., Jun 7, 2010.

  1. idle.

    idle. Toy Prince

    Hey all.

    You might have come across this already (I know Don Datadub has listed it in the events thread) but I thought I'd make a post here as well. I am incredibly honored to be a part of this awesome exhibition. If you want to find out more about the participating artists and the location visit http://www.kaijuattack.com


    Here is my part. For a while now I had a miscast head lying around with lots of bubbles and I was not quite sure what to do with it until now. I enlarged some holes and then used a drill to put in even more. Using some more spare arms, plastic puppet eyes, automotive paints (yes, colorshifting as well) and tons of xxl glitter this is what it turned into: a nightmarish version of my Taro Kern resin toy.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  2. idle.

    idle. Toy Prince

    The pieces have finally been listed on the website: http://www.kaijuattack.com/catalog.html


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