Sunguts Queen Yulisis 'Guiro'

Discussion in 'Custom Toys and Fan Art' started by Prometheum5, Apr 8, 2011.

  1. Prometheum5

    Prometheum5 Post Pimp

    I've been mostly working on Glyos customs and my upcoming resin release lately, but I was inspired after picking up this black blank the other day along with some new paints to get it painted ASAP.


    I painted this Queen in colors reminiscent of the old Bullmark Guiro Seijin, which features my favorite vintage paint job.


    I painted this guy entirely with Monster Kolor over black vinyl. The primary color was Clover, a dark green with pearl mixed in, painted on while leaving some black in the recesses for deep shading. From there I highlighted the green with a mix of Clover and regular MK Green. Next I painted the reds using the regular red and a highlight mix of red and pink. The blue is C-thru blue over silver. The head shell also received the blue pearl ‘chaser’ that came with the Clover set, and it gives off an awesome mutli-pearl finish.

    More pics on my site!
  2. pizzatrash

    pizzatrash Toy Prince

    Wow, SO incredible!!!
    The paint application is so well executed, great job!!
  3. dustin

    dustin Addicted

    Looks good, P5! It's a little glossy for my taste but I really like the colors you went with.

    The only thing I would like to see done differently (and this is just a preference) would be if you could have got some black behind the teeth in the mouth. I think it would've made the individual teeth stand out a little more.

    Still, nice work! 8)
  4. kopponigen

    kopponigen Post Pimp

    Wow, wonderful work Ben. I'm not familiar with this toy, how do you change the face?
  5. Prometheum5

    Prometheum5 Post Pimp

    Thanks, guys. This guy was a blast to work on and is a hugely fun toy to mess around with.

    Dustin- I thought about leaving more shading behind the teeth, and on black vinyl I certainly could have, but sometimes you just end up where the spray leaves you ;)

    Axolotl- The faces and pelvis are one piece, and then the head shell is a separate part that slips over the faces and is actually what moves.

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