Something is wrong with the Super 7 Store

Discussion in 'Super7 Showroom' started by Lixx, Jan 24, 2016.

  1. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    So is your name Kevin Kusulas? Grizlli? You might want to contact Super 7 store immediately.

    So I tried to buy a toy from S7 today for the first time since October 2015 and I typed in my email address and password to log in but it would not let me. I'm like this is strange, my password has not changed since 2007-2008 when I first started buying from them. I tried to password reset and it said my email address was invalid. I thought this was pretty fucked up because it's the only email address I would have used. Frustrated I figured ok it's a new website overhaul maybe I have to create a new account.

    This is where the fun began. So I type in my email address it said did not originally exist, create a password and go to my email to get the activation email. Here's where it says Dear Kevin Kusulas. I'm like who the hell is Kevin Kusulas? I say to myself this has to be a mistake. So I don't activate the account and go back to start all over creating an account. Type in the info and again I get an activation saying Dear Kevin Kusulas. I activate it and go in and alarmingly my phone number is listed already in the profile. How the hell do they have my phone number on an account under the wrong name, under my email (that the site originally claimed didn't exist even though I've used it for 9 years?!)

    I then filled in the new address info under my name figuring maybe it was a glitch- but it still did not correct the problem. I'm still listed as Welcome Kevin Kusulas. Figuring this is really messed up, completely unsecure- I've since deleted the address and I'm desperately searching for a way to delete the account under the email I gave but no option. I've emailed Josh.

    Anyone else having this issue?

    I also just googled Kevin Kusulas and found it to be Grizlli a member here. PM'd you with the info above^ in case you miss this post.
  2. CrystalMech

    CrystalMech Toy Prince

    Wow that's really strange, hope everything gets worked out for everyone. Scary to think about random personal information just popping up like that. Thankfully it was only his name....thanks for the heads up Lixx.
  3. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Yeah I don't mean to be super alarmist but it seems a bit off. I'm no web design expert or IT person but spitting up a random identity and not recognizing my own email I've used for awhile just does not compute. Figured a thread might alert the proper people or help others having the same issue.
  4. animator

    animator Mr. Freshly Smacked Ass Staff Member

    Super77m mention with the new site you would have to make a new account. However, if you were signed up before it would recognize your old info when you signed up. Maybe something got crossed with that, I'm sure it will get worked out.
  5. bannedindc

    bannedindc S7 Royalty

    I'm probably stealing identities! Lol
  6. mplspeep

    mplspeep Toy Prince

    I just created an account on the new store and the same thing happened to me where the name on the account and State were completely wrong.
  7. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    No you need to find one besides troll.
  8. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    Did the same thing and I am John Romanchik.

    I had an account but had to re-register. Anyway, I emailed Josh and Luke.
  9. The Blot

    The Blot Toy Prince

    I just re-registered and I was Chris P. But it had my correct zip code and phone number, which is really odd.
  10. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Yyyeeaaahhhh, this sounds like it really needs to be addressed and sorted out. :shock:
  11. wtfunks

    wtfunks Comment King

    The issue is being looked at/fixed
  12. sumatra71

    sumatra71 Super Deformed

    Yep, I just tried to re-register on the new and improved S7 site and my account details came up with the name Marcus Wania in Alabama... WTH ??
  13. joshuajh

    joshuajh Administrator Staff Member

    If this happens to you, please just send me an email and we will get it resolved -


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