So, tthe LEGO Movie...

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by hellopike, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. hellopike

    hellopike S7 Royalty

    Awesome! My gosh. I took a half day to see it early! So glad I did! What a fun movie! I won't say much, but go out and see it. The only thing I will say, and this is weird, did it take anyone else a bit for their eyes to get used to all the movement? It's so unlike anything else that my eyeballs felt overwhelmed for the first twenty minutes or so!

    So much fun, can't wait to take my nieces and nephews!
  2. trueadrn

    trueadrn Line of Credit

    I can't wait till tomorrow!!! I mean my son can't wait :lol:
  3. Russblue11

    Russblue11 S7 Royalty


    Maybe I will see it in theaters too, except I don't really have anyone to go with :cry:
  4. hellopike

    hellopike S7 Royalty

    Don't worry about it kev, I went by myself. It ain't no thing! ;) 9bridget is sick so she has to wait)

    @trueadrn- you and your son will not be dissappointed.

    Once folks have had some time to see it I look forward to talking about it in depth!
  5. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    The concept seemed very gimmicky to me when I first heard about it, and I was not expecting too much, so I am quite glad to hear you enjoyed it Phil. I am not really a fan of this style of computer animation, which bugged me a lot in the later Lego video game releases, but I am certainly willing to give it a go.

    Your description of the visual effects reminds me of the sensation I had when watching The Hobbit in theatres (the first one) - in the goblin town for example. I think, whereas effects artists are constructing nearly every scene digitally now and can devote so much effort to every iota of screen easily, they can often overdo it. I fully respect and admire the craft, its just not my thing I guess. I long for traditional, simple effects, where the story drives a film rather than just explosive action. I know, I know, changing times and all that; I guess my old man sensory just can't get used to the bombardment the kids go for these days.

    Oops, didn't mean for this to turn in to a rant on the SFX industry. :oops: Basically I came here to say that I preferred the 'bricky' Lego animation style to the more fluidic GCI stuff, but I am quite entertained by both.
  6. hellopike

    hellopike S7 Royalty

    But thats just it- this movie doesn't move fluid like the video games. It feels like stop-motion animation (albeit really really smooth stop motion) and it's so unlike what your brain and eyes are used to seeing its a little overwhelming. But it's not like the issues the hobbit had with the 48 or 60 fps it was running at, or even the *completely* CGI scenes... This is just wild because in regular stop motion you have the main characters moving, and maybe a bit of background movement... but here *everything* is in motion (just like life) but it's all stop motion. it's impressive, especially because its CGI but looks so real.
  7. Daimyo

    Daimyo Side Dealer

    All I have to say is... FUCK YEAH! Go see it.
  8. petitetoilonrouge

    petitetoilonrouge S7 Royalty

    I'm cheap, so I'm waiting till Tuesday to go (hey, I have to pay for four people!) but, if you'll forgive e momentary lapse of adulthood, I'M SO STOKED!
  9. dannyvslc

    dannyvslc Addicted

    Way stoked to see it tonight! I understand what you mean about the visuals and getting used to them. I had a hard time watching the first official trailer, but after two watches I got used it.
  10. dannyvslc

    dannyvslc Addicted

    PS... just saw it.... and you will not be disappointed!!
  11. petitetoilonrouge

    petitetoilonrouge S7 Royalty

    Oh, did I read you guys get a free minifig with movie tickets? I'm jealous... :(
  12. hellopike

    hellopike S7 Royalty

    There's two or three promos running. The only one by me you have to buy a ticket for a 3d showing and be member of a frequent-moviegoer plan or something. Wasn't worth it for me. If I want a robo dj ill check brick link in a week or two.
  13. greg

    greg Line of Credit

    Took my son today. First showing was sold out and the one we got into we had to sit in the front row. Crazy. Anyway the movie was fun and my son loved it so yeah go see it.
  14. ted kopper

    ted kopper Side Dealer

    Awesome movie, thoroughly enjoyed it
  15. M5Bravo

    M5Bravo Fresh Meat

    Yea it seems to be getting rave reviews from everybody. I'm going to try and see it this weekend.
  16. trueadrn

    trueadrn Line of Credit

    very fun, don't watch the trailers- they spoil too much.

    Enjoyed Batman, figure it will be the last time I can say that once Affleck takes over.

    Now the wife wants to see it... so we'll be going back! :D
  17. Daimyo

    Daimyo Side Dealer

    I got one for preordering the game, bandito outfit and one for buying the movie ticket with my regal rewards card (pajamas). Not sure what the third one is.
  18. Amphetamine

    Amphetamine Fresh Meat

    Just saw it the other day. It is a pretty awesome movie, I definitely recommend it. However I didn't know there was a figure, darn.
  19. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    Am I the only one who was bored and totally hated it? Are we supposed to conform, or not? They change that message so much. And are they sentient? Because that changes on and off too. And the jokes were Teen Nick level at best.
  20. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    ^ I did not hate it but would have enjoyed it a lot more as a silent movie...
    It should have been a Danish flic damn it !
    Anyway, Everything is Awesome !
  21. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    I think it would have worked as a 20 min. short.
  22. greg

    greg Line of Credit

    Well it is a kids movie.
  23. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    Man, that's not a valid excuse for sloppy writing and bad jokes. We're in the age of Pixar and have been for years. I go to see crap like Frozen with my daughter and when I think a Disney princess musical is better than something, that's sad. Also Teen Nick is hell on earth and anything resembling it should be burned.

    My main point is, is yeah this is fine for those 8 y/o kids who still haven't gotten solid senses of humor yet and just WANT an hour and half long commercial. But I'm hearing grown ass adults saying "THIS IS AWESOME!" and scratching my head. It is NOT and I don't know if it's just me or what. Like I said, I thought Frozen was OK, it kept my attention. This? Every 10 10 minutes I was ready to go to sleep or getting confused by a poorly thought out universe.

    It's like it wanted to be Toy Story, but kind of didn't commit to the sense of that world and floundered between being sentient toys and some crap in a kids head never fulling accepting 1 or the other. Sometimes their actions were just the kid playing. Sometimes they could move by themselves with Will Ferrell right next to them.

    I know "dude you thought too much about it" but no, I didn't, I saw it and while it happened instantly questioned these bad bad bad bad plot devices. I didn't think about it at ALL. TBH I think this was dumbed down for kids and I hate that shit. The ONLY part that made me laugh was Lego Lando hitting on everyone, Batman included. Lando jokes are always funny.

    Adults next to me were laughing and I was confused as to what universe I lived in. I questioned my own reality because I thought this was such rancid crap yet was the only grown up in a full theater NOT laughing at every poorly written and obvious joke.

    So, to conclude, what's going on?!?! I don't think I'm becoming an old crank, I still watch some kids stuff with my daughter and can enjoy it. It's not kids movies overall. Just bad bad bad bad ones, and not ironically bad like it's fun because it's crap. But bad bad bad bad bad ones with bad jokes sloppy writing and dumbed down everything because people underestimate a childs capacity for certain things. Fuck, I just am excited for Boxtrolls and whatever Pixar is doing that's NOT a sequel.
  24. JORDAN23

    JORDAN23 Post Pimp

    I liked it but my 6 year old and his buddy were somewhat disturbed. It's a bit dark for their age and the villains just pounding and pounding on the "good guys" just made them lose interest. I figure it works best for like 8 years old and up.
  25. Yuck!!!

    Yuck!!! Side Dealer

    Just saw it tonight, really loved it. Uamou and I played with my old Legos afterwards.


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