Slayer WPB

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by nefasth, Nov 8, 2009.

  1. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    Did any of you guys heard the new Slayer album ?
    It is pretty damn great. An amazing vibe/mood is back on, not seen in years.
    First one I really like on first listens since Reign in blood.
    The bonus DVD suck ass thougth.
  2. zincsaucier442

    zincsaucier442 Line of Credit

    Yeah, picked it up on Tuesday and it's been on heavy rotation ever since. Took me a couple listens to grasp it but now I am throughly impressed with it. Greg Fidelman did a way better job of mixing this album that Metallica's Death Magnetic. The drums have a more punk feel to them.
  3. c77

    c77 Addicted

    is pretty good and hopefully I should have my ticket to go see them in the next few days

    they where the first band I had ever seen before on the Decade Of Aggression tour when I was about 12, front row and my ears have still never recovered from it

    those where the days
  4. scottygee

    scottygee Comment King

    Solid songs on this one, and Tom's voice sounds great---and Lombardo is a killing machine on the drums (still!). Slayer still turns good dogs rabid after all these years :twisted:
  5. zincsaucier442

    zincsaucier442 Line of Credit

  6. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    Yeah Zinc., that's it.
    Playing With Dolls Videos only contain small bites of the album songs, when murders happen.
    Quite boring.
    Also, one song is not on the CD, I wonder why.

    I think there is a new Hirax album around the corner. It's going to be a great headbanging month !
  7. rockert

    rockert Addicted

    Have you guys heard the NEW Goatwhore album? I didn't listen to these guys in their first incarnations but this album will punch you in the nutz. "Carving out the eyes of God"
  8. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    I heard bits and pieces. Not sure yet. At first I really got into it, but than I started thinking I might get sick of them really fast. Sometimes it takes me a while to know if it's worth the $10 for the album. Skeletonwitch was the same, I dug it at first but wondered how many times I'd listen, if it was worth it, but than realized it was. Breathing the Fire ruled.

    I'm still unsure about Goatwhore, I just hate buying CD's I only listen to 3-4 times than being done with them forever. That's the wonder of working in a record store. I can play crap a few times to feel it out. If after a few shifts I'm sick of it, I know it wasn't meant to be.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    ive listened to that goatwhore album a couple times.. its ok, but nothing memorable.

    the first skeletonwitch record i thought was a snorefest.. ive heard the new record is better and theyve gone in a newer direction. im not in a hurry to listen yet.

    the newest behemoth still shreds and the new municipal waste is more of the same fun thrashthems... i'lll keep listening to them
  10. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    I think I've listened to this album the most out of stuff released in the last year. I'm excited to see them in Dec.
  11. deadboy

    deadboy Comment King

    New slayer is excellent.
    new Baroness is classic
    new btbam is epic
    a good time for metalheads
  12. brooks55

    brooks55 Comment King

    I've had it since it came out. I completely agree. It's a total shred fest. \m/

    2009 has been a great year for metal IMO, especially if you like black metal.
  13. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    The latest Behemoth is amazing. I discarted them when they turned death metal but now I will go back and get those death albums.
    I was never able to get into Municipal Waste, they sound to much like when DRI turned bad.

    The new Nile is awesome.
  14. scottygee

    scottygee Comment King

    Need to check out Goatwhore. Got the new Nile and it is oddly accessible...not exactly mainstream, but seemingly less dark after a couple of listens. Behemoth's Evangelion is maybe my top album of '09---solid top to bottom.
  15. Winu

    Winu S7 Royalty

    I really enjoyed that album, and the new one sounds pretty awesome as well.
  16. silver_lining_man

    silver_lining_man Mini Boss

    i haven't moved much before or after the undisputed attitude album (aside from Tori Amos' cover of Raining Blood), so would this be a good album to start fresh on?
  17. zincsaucier442

    zincsaucier442 Line of Credit

    Slayer were wandering in and out when Paul Bostaph manned the kit. WPB feels like it could easily be fit in right after Seasons in the Abyss. It has elements of Reign in Blood and South of Heaven too. I also thought Christ Illusion was good but WPB is much better.

    check out their myspace page as it appears they are streaming most of he new songs
  18. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    Black metal is super hot right now for some reason. We sell the shit out of it at my store. I mean, we always sold it pretty well (Chicago's pretty big on metal, we're in a big Polish area, Polish dudes love techno and black metal) but it's really getting pushed. People who wouldn't give it the time of day are all into it now, it's "cool" to be into it. I still can't get into a lot of it, I have no attention span and get bored easily, though I like some bands. PLUS it's like with a lot of these people getting into Black Metal, they treat most OTHER metal (particularly anything not 'serious' like thrash) like it's stupid garbage. Like if it's not 13 min. long and doesn't have lyrics defacing Christianity or song titles with huge words than it's music for idiots and you're one. It's a weird type of elitist thing going on, at least from where I sit and from who I talk to and what I see at the store/shows/etc.

    I mean really, how many ways can you talk crap about religion and make it interesting? FOR 15 MIN AT A TIME?!?! Again, not bashing it, I like some bands and albums and the genre really as a whole, I'm just reacting top it's superstar standing right now amongst a lot of local metal guys.
  19. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    I was under the impression that elitism in black metal disapeared years ago.
    Then again, I see here Goatwhore labeled as BM and I cringe, haha :mrgreen:
  20. stevesleazee

    stevesleazee Fresh Meat

  21. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    I don't think it'll EVER go away. But it's really a big "flavor of the month" near me. People who usually wouldn't be so into it are really getting into it. Which is cool,just an observation.

    I usually hear Goatwhore being described as a hybrid of Black and other types of metal. Like Black Metal Light. Or did BM mean bowel movement?
  22. c77

    c77 Addicted

    doomriders is pretty good but the new Converge album is friggin great
  23. scottygee

    scottygee Comment King

    Any thoughts on Immortal's return? I've listened to it several times over and my only wish would be that it was longer!
  24. brooks55

    brooks55 Comment King

    It did not live up to my expectations at all. Which sucks, cause I love Immortal. It sounds more like I's "Between Two Worlds" than Immortal. I do love the new Nile & Behemoth records though.
  25. rockert

    rockert Addicted

    Wow! that is like 4 thumbs up for behemoth. You can't ALL be wrong... For a band that is that good they sure look stupid. Usually I equate dress up/make up wearing bands with a lack of talent. The last Terrorizer had them wearing a metal thing on the singer's head, like some sort of Euro torture device and he was holding his band members on a leash.. WTF?!

    Went to buy WPB @ hastings and all sold out!

    I like the new skeletonwitch but I am just recently getting back into metal after being FISTED by Korn and limp biscuits in metal :o :cry:

    The Cover Art on Job For a Cowboy Ruination is phenomenal. (jury is out on the muzik)

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