scrolling glitch?

Discussion in 'Compliments & Comments' started by miami, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. miami

    miami Comment King

    For the last two weeks or so, anytime I am writing in a post or PM box in IE, the text won't stay stationary once the vertical scroll bar appears - Give it 10 seconds (or less) without typing, and it all pops back up to the top, requiring me to scroll back down to see where the cursor is. It can happen a half-dozen times in writing one message.

    (Yes, thanks, I am aware that this wouldn't happen if I never wrote anything longer than the original, 'un-scrolled' box ... What can I say, I'm a repeat-offender windbag.)

    BTW - Anyone have any opinions on Chrome, the new Google browser yet? I'd imagine we must have some early beta testers here ... I'd've switched to Firefox for good long ago if it wasn't for the nightmarish prospect of having to reorganize all the bookmarks, but this new one may be the time to finally, joyfully, abandon IE for good.
  2. sumatra71

    sumatra71 Super Deformed

    I get that same annoying scrolling glitch as well... :?
  3. silver_lining_man

    silver_lining_man Mini Boss

    i usually atribute any glitch to the fact that i have a crappy computer built of spare and stolen parts from my friends work place...

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