San Diego fires

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by DrMadness, May 14, 2014.

  1. DrMadness

    DrMadness Addicted

    So I've been working on deciding if and which of my collection to pack up in case of evacuation. Its interesting to look at your shelves and decide which are the most important. Anyway, I know I'm not the only one in San Diego on here. I normally wouldn't ever post something like this, as I feel its a little selfish, but I'd thought I would say something since theres not really anything I can do at this point besides watch the news. :roll:

    Here's the latest.

    Stay Safe everyone
  2. IronPaw

    IronPaw Side Dealer

    Jesus man sorry to hear that. Just throw whats not super important in big black trash bags and pack the really good stuff away.
  3. DrMadness

    DrMadness Addicted

    Haha yeah, that's kinda been the approach except I hadn't thought about putting the less important stuff anywhere really but that's a good idea
    Ugh, I think two new ones just sprang up..
    Starting to wonder if there's someone setting these.
  4. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    How awful! Make sure you are safe, and have enough time to leave safely too!
    Egads, what a decision though :x This might sound crazy, but if you had a pool, you could put everything in a giant bin and sink it to the bottom of a pool?

    *These bins are great, because the handles lock the bin securely. You'd have to flood the bin with water so it sinks with the toys, but the toys can at least be dried later :) All of my toys are stored this way (during the house remodel)-very secure.
  5. DrMadness

    DrMadness Addicted

    Haha! Thats a great idea! I don't have a pool but the neighbors do!

    I just wanted to say, I don't mean to sound grim at all. I'm sure everything will be fine. San Diego FD has A LOT of experience dealing with these sorts of fires, maybe not this many at once but they've done it all before! I just thought I'd start a conversation
  6. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    Be careful, fires can travel quickly when you least expect it. No disrespect to the fire fighters of course! But when the wind shifts, and there is enough fuel for the fire (trees, dry grasses, houses :( , etc...), fires can be unpredictable and dangerous, and turn into huge fire storms (great sheets of uncontrollable walls of fire).

    Aside from the consideration of fire, it IS an interesting topic! What would you save in your collection if...
    Perhaps now is the time to stock up on bins? ;)

    P.S. Toy-wise, I think I'd save my Tiger 7s first! Then the handmade Uglydolls :razz:
  7. DrMadness

    DrMadness Addicted

    It's obvious I haven't been in the game long so I don't have things that are too rare. But I did pack up my Iluilu figures, and my favorites of the ones I've painted myself, then the ones with sentimental value.

    Here is a fire map, Not sure its up to the minute accurate but..

    Anyone else? What would you pack up first?
  8. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Honest answer: I think that all depends on how much time you think you have if evacuation is a likely contingency. I lost many treasures and heirlooms to a house fire several years ago but fortunately had the wits to grab my passport, keys, and wallet on the way out. Granted that wasn't the same scenario but as much as I love my collection it wouldn't be top priority. But as a thought experiment, pack the toys you love the most, not the ones you think are most valuable on the market. Loss has this funny way of clarifying the true value of things.
  9. DrMadness

    DrMadness Addicted

    Yeah, that's sorta what I was getting at in the first post that its interesting which things in your collection you consider saving in a moment like that. Thankfully, I haven't even received an evacuation warning yet, but I did yesterday for a fire that's out now. Many of the things I decided could go (not get packed) are more valuable then the ones I decided to save.
    And sorry to hear about the loss you suffered due to that fire
  10. love&poison

    love&poison Toy Prince

    I live in SD as well and thankfully nowhere near the fires. It's terrible though for the people that lost their homes and the many more that had to evacuate only to wonder if they will have a home to go back to.

    My GF and I just had a similar conversation of what we would grab, should we ever had to bail like did make the cut...
  11. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    Don't forget your beloved living 4 legged "toys". Henry and Emma always have their carriers within reach, and emergency pet supplies ready to go too! Good luck to all, and please be careful!
  12. fletchthis

    fletchthis Addicted

    Glad to be back home tonight after being evac'd since wednesday afternoon. Fortunately everyone and everything is safe and sound. Big thanks to everyone that helped snuff out the fires.
  13. DrMadness

    DrMadness Addicted

    Awesome glad to hear you're back and everything is ok! I just saw this tweet:
    San Diego Wildfires Update:
    Highway Fire- 380 acres, 100% cont.
    Bernardo Fire- 1548 acres, 95% cont.
    Cocos Fire- 2520 acres, 50% cont.

    The firefighting effort has been really amazing!

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