Rooftop Microman & Robot Action Shots

Discussion in 'Micromen & Henshin Cyborg' started by MicromanZone, Nov 3, 2009.

  1. MicromanZone

    MicromanZone Addicted

    Decided to use the roof and the autumn sun to take some pics of figures in the real world. And here are a few select shots. A complete set of shots I plan on adding to is over here.




    Also, not technically Microman, but some cool Transformers-like Taiwanese knock-offs called “Gamebots” I scored. The blue one transforms into a working pinball machine. The gray one transforms into a working slot machine.


  2. Clone666

    Clone666 Toy Prince

    Wow, great robots and pics!
    Nothing like toys in nature photography.
    I love the red drill headed guy, can you tell me more about him?
  3. MicromanZone

    MicromanZone Addicted

    Thanks for the compliment! I think I’ll be taking outdoors pics of tons of stuff.

    As far as the red guy goes, that is Servo-Man Missiler. He’s part of the 1979 Rescue Team line of Microman. It’s an amazingly well made figure. All the limbs connect to the red torso with standard 5mm pegs and holes and there are extra pegs and holes on his body so you can add or configure him in tons of different ways.

    The Servo-Men were clearly made to cash in on the Star Wars "buddy robot" trend. The blue guy next to him is Servo-Man Data. Equally well built.

    Here are some pics I snagged off of YJA of what the box set looks like. Comes with a Rescue Team figure plus the robot:
  4. Clone666

    Clone666 Toy Prince

    Yes more pics, seeing Micros in nature compliments them well.
    Thanks for the info on those figs, I like Servo-man Data too. I'll certainly be keeping my eyes open on JYP for those.
  5. datadub

    datadub S7 Royalty

    I like the sound of that!... Man I am sooooo about to catch the Micro Bug...

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