Rise of the planet of the apes

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by nefasth, Aug 5, 2011.

  1. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    I had no expecations for this movie but needed to see it, as Planet of the apes is a big influence on me, philosophicaly and estheticaly.
    I have to say Rise is quite good.

    .The apes are well rendered.
    .Harry Osbourn is good (and he had Sam Adams in his fridge)
    .The soundrack is a big meh, though.
    .Plane pilotes are aggressive.
  2. Lalo

    Lalo Mini Boss

  3. super77m

    super77m Comment King

    i want to see it!
  4. Biff

    Biff S7 Royalty


    What? No aknowledgement of baby Milo coming back from the future, shagging she-chimps and fathering super monkeys?

    Damn you.... damn you all to hell!!!
  5. coma21

    coma21 Mini Boss

    havent gone to see it yet but i so need to ive been waiting for it since i saw the trailer
  6. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    Well he does get re-named Caesar in the next film in the series, I think they nod to that by naming the ape Caesar in this one.

    I have 0 interest. I'm happy with my original series (though so many of those were rancid, I still love them.)
  7. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    I bought a ticket a week ago for a showing yesterday at SF's Kabuki Cinema. Got there only to have a manager kick everyone out because someone had pulled a fire alarm. There was no fire anywhere but they made us wait in the lobby for an hour before the Fire Dept. told us to take refunds and go home.

    ARGH! Get your paws off those fire alarms, you damn dirty kids!

    Anyway, having seen pretty much all the trailers and released clips, I wonder ... is it just me, or did Weta sort of transpose Roddy McDowell's facial expressions to Andy Serkis for his Caesar character?
  8. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    Caesar's mom is called Bright Eyes. That's cool. Maybe Milo is the father, who knows.
    And with that, you just became Old :lol:
  9. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    That's funny when I said the same thing about Star Wars people didn't say I was "old" they said I had "taste" :lol:

    I'm not against seeing this, I'm just against PAYING to see this.
  10. Geekabilly

    Geekabilly Addicted

    Saw it last night, had so so hopes on it..
    It's great!
  11. Lalo

    Lalo Mini Boss

    saw it last night.
    it's pretty good.
    love how it explains certain parts of the original/remake.
  12. Deadbone

    Deadbone Line of Credit

    Sounds positive. I had written it off.
  13. Kingboy D

    Kingboy D Comment King

    Pretty good movie. There were some parts where I said BS (made no sense or not possible). Some things were too obviously CG. But otherwise I enjoyed it.

    One positive is that if you stay through the credits, they take a minor side story in the movie to help explain why the apes can manage to take over the planet. I thought that was pretty important and I'm glad that they introduced it, though it is a pretty common excuse in movies for the scenarios they play out.
  14. Lalo

    Lalo Mini Boss

    yep... one of the three main parts of the original story line that is explained in this movie.
    the others being how the apes were able to become smart, and a bit about the crew that crash lands in the future.
    pretty sure the people that knew about the first one got that.
  15. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Finally saw it yesterday. I was surprised at how many little nods to the first Apes film there were, but was glad that they were played straight rather than as "get it?" wink-nods in the snarky Tim Burton manner. Coulda done without the famous Heston line but no big deal.

    This will be heresy for some but I think it's the best of all the Apes films. I loved that Caesar was by far the most sympathetic character (although that was clearly intentional.) Also nice to see real ape behavior incorporated so beautifully. The Ourang-Outang (cleverly named "Maurice" after the actor who played Dr. Zaius) was just stunning. There were only two brief moments when I thought "that looks computer-y." Otherwise the realization of all the apes was just amazing. Loved the scenes at Muir Woods. Great entertainment, and a reboot actually worth making.
  16. coma21

    coma21 Mini Boss

    i saw it and i dug it i wasnt like in awe of it but i enjoyed the film very much
  17. resinate

    resinate Toy Prince

    good movie and a lot to think about. i had some thoughts and i wrote them down. i'll watch more of these if the same people work on them (besides franco, a little ambivalent about him even for a fan)
  18. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss

    You mean other than the premise that apes and monkey's evolved to a point of intellectual superiority and enslaved man :?
  19. resinate

    resinate Toy Prince

    i think he means the mars mission. ;)
  20. Pey

    Pey Toy Prince

    I saw it last thursday and I really enjoy the movie, haven't watch as good since few month ...
  21. il_muffino

    il_muffino Addicted

    After the early scene at Muir Woods when Caesar has that confrontation with the dog that couple was walking, my friend leaned over toward me and whispered "Dogs aren't allowed in Muir Woods." :lol: That's one of the problems with watching a movie set where you live, you know too much about the place for that sort of thing to go unnoticed.

    It's not something I'd really complain about, but whenever Tom Felton was on screen I couldn't help thinking "Draco Malfoy!" There's no way around it. He'll always be Draco.

    It's not a perfect film, but it was very enjoyable. I may see it again.
  22. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    Why do you think the ape was pissed :razz:
  23. il_muffino

    il_muffino Addicted

    Good point! LOL

  24. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    I think a whole book could be written on the countless movies set in the San Francisco area and to what degree they make any real-world sense. I think the most famous example that people reference is the car chase scene in "Bullitt" which is all over the map, from Potrero Hill to the Marina and then the Great Highway in no time flat. In the case of "Apes" I thought it was sort of funny that in the final sequence, the Apes get from San Bruno Mountain to somewhere around 2nd Street and Mission to the Powell Street cable car to Golden Gate Bridge in a way that doesn't make much sense. But then again, I think it's a big mistake to be bring an excess of critical thinking skills to a fantasy movie. :)

    The Mars mission did seem like a slightly superfluous background element, but I took it to be an indication to the audience that long-range space flight was likely in the alternate near-future (or present or whatever) of the movie's context. That would pave the way for later developments in the saga.

    On the other hand, the director has said that the writers allowed themselves to ignore the canonical Apes story and just start anew. That doesn't really seem to be the case. Rather the opposite, this film would fit into the general Apes cycle pretty well.

    At least one sequel seems inevitable. When it comes out, we'll know just how tied-together they really want things to be. I don't think it actually matters. These are "Apes" movies, after all. My favorite memory of them is sitting in an old San Mateo theater that no longer exists with my boyhood buddy through all five of the originals when we were kids. Oh man, were we ever spaced out when it was over! But the theater gave us free hot dogs and sodas during the intermissions. I think it was something like three dollars for the whole shebang, part of some summer program for kids. Ever since that day, the phrase "Ape has killed ape" makes me laugh.
  25. slipstar01

    slipstar01 Post Pimp

    Way better than the abortion of a movie Tim Burton created... I will forever have a tender spot in my heart for everything "APES", and as much as I respect Mr. Burton, I hated his version... This one has brought my confidence back to the franchise, and I look forward to another. What's next, beep. beep. beeeeeeep, beeeeeeeeeep, beep, beep, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep (? If you know POTA you know what I'm saying (or not saying)?)!

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