Ready Player One (movie) “Kaiju” Question...

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by boon velvet, Mar 30, 2018.

  1. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    If you haven’t seen (or read) Ready Player One yet, but you plan to, you might want to take your eyeballs elsewhere. My question has to do with something meant to be a Woot! Woot! kind of surprise and you’ll just spoil it for yourself.

    Also, this is the first post, so I’ll list my question under the spoiler tag, but no one who responds below needs to bother doing so since it’s now established.

    “Aye, Captain! There be spoilers ahead!”

    I watched Ready Player One tonigjt. A large part of the fun of this story is the plethora of pop culture references and characters from franchises across the board. I could be wrong, but out of all these characters shown (that I recognized) , there was only 1 not true to its physical appearance in any knowing form. I’m sure by now you know who I’m talking about - it’s the MechaGodzilla in the final battle. I was pumped when he showed up, but just for a second. I wanted to enjoy it, but of course we take this more seriously than people in their right-minds. But My Question - does anyone know the reason why MG was the only character not faithful to any og material? My first inclination jumps to Toho and the difficulty obtaining licensing, but it’s kinda presumptive. I just find it interesting (and disappointing to what could have been on screen) that MG seemed to be the Only character out of hundreds where getting approval wasn’t possible, and that Toho would instead okay this Michael Bay Transformers-like MG... Might it be that Legendary has those permissions right now and they wouldn’t budge?.. I’m Very curious , if anyone happens to know.

    Thank ya kindly.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2018
  2. TattooDougHardy

    TattooDougHardy Comment King

    I don't think I'm going to bother watching it but apparently in the book...
    the big powerful device that helps the hero win the day is the Beta Capsule and Ultraman shows up. I've read some of the passages and the character returning the Beta Capsule to the greatful Japanese characters is cringeworthy at best. Since I found out that Ultraman isn't in the movie I'm just gonna give it a pass.
  3. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    Yeah @TattooDougHardy , no Ultra Man. There were a good number of unnecessary differences from the book, but I still enjoyed it and some of the new additions were actually fun considering they were unexpected. Much does fall short, especially with so much meat condensed to a glance. I was pleasantly surprised at some of the scenes that I never thought could be done worthy by visual media tho. When that first race kicked off, I felt like like I’d just drank a whole case of TAB :razz:
    TattooDougHardy likes this.
  4. eckotyper

    eckotyper Post Pimp

    I fastened my seatbelt, and enjoyed the entire damn movie.
    Big movies like this that I’m excited about, and that i know my daughter is as well... i have to see it twice... once by myself, and then i take her for the second round. She’s still young where she does her best to sit still but her attention span might not keep her glued into the movie... for episode 7 it was good because i got to see it twice... this method sucked for episode 8, as i was like god damn it i have to sit through this movie again. But RPO... I’m ready to see it again. Such fun!
  5. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    Felt like we were watching Chappie vs The LEGO Movie.
  6. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    boon, there were some minor and major liberties taken with many "imported" characters in the movie, MG was just the one you recognized. There have been at least a four major versions of him over the last 40+ years and some minor variations. The CG artists changed the design to make it work for what they were trying to accomplish in the movie, action-wise. On the other side of that fight, they did the same thing with Gundam's design.
  7. blakewest

    blakewest Post Pimp

    Featuring Die Antwoord's "Everything is Fukkin Awesome (Fukkin Zef remix)".
    ungawa222 likes this.
  8. animator

    animator Mr. Freshly Smacked Ass Staff Member

    I really need to watch a lot of this movie at half speed, or slower, to catch all the awesomeness. I was barely pulled out by the MG thing but overall it didn't bother me too much. I felt the movie was a really good adaptation. The book speaks to a specific 80's nostalgia and gamer audiences. They did a good job of giving it mass appeal, and understanding, without ruining it for those audiences, or as a movie in general.

    I just about lost my shit when:
    I saw the back of Harryhausen's Cyclops in a wide shot though
    DrMadness likes this.
  9. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    Read the book. The book is mindblowing. Movie good but forgetable. This is one book that hits on all the marks.
    deafmetal likes this.

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