Question about Resin

Discussion in 'Resonators Romper Room' started by computerhair415, Dec 6, 2010.

  1. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    YAY! :razz: Feedback! :D
    Thank you uh oh, Purple, Paul, and Rockert! :D Well now.... I like the idea of a two part mold, for as uh oh mentioned, less risk of damaging the original toy. I am still really worried that a commercial release agent might damage the toy, but as Paul mentions, talc powder and vaseline should be safe (I like that suggestion!).

    I must admit, I'm a tad obsessed with the Bullmark Tiger 7 :oops: . I would love to have an army of them like this...
    but that would cost a fortune of course! :x

    I did adopt (before Lent! :D ) a faded battle worn Tiger
    He's still sitting in the warehouse. I'm horribly chicken that something might go awry if I "tested" him, and now that I think of it, this might be an ultra rare YELLOW head :shock: . It that's the case, I might switch out the head and put the Yellow on a better "orange body" (er, yes, I do have more than one T7 ;) ). So I'm having second thoughts on a T7 test, but perhaps another toy?

    I've never cast anything before, and the whole process is quite appealing! :shock: I'll have to try it though! But on what toy... hmmmmmm....

    Thank you for your suggestions! That helps! :razz:
  2. dtoes

    dtoes Toy Prince

    Just stay away from any clay with sulfur in it and you will be fine. If you are worried take some elmers glue and spread it over your clay to create a protective layer before you pour the silicone over it :)
  3. Robert DeCastro

    Robert DeCastro Side Dealer

    Back in the day I used playdoh instead of clay. It was alot softer and worked great on delicate sculpts. It's also easier to remove. I've yet to try it on sculpts done in Castelline wax tho. I also used Lego blocks to make the box. If you're using pressure pots just make sure to put masking tape on the inside walls before filling it.

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