pushead what?

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by rhinomilk, Jul 22, 2008.

  1. rhinomilk

    rhinomilk Vintage

  2. Joe

    Joe Die-Cast

  3. vog_island

    vog_island Addicted

    Nothing against Kreuk, but it'd be nice if they got someone who looks at least a little Chinese to play Chun Li?
  4. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    The really bad part is seeing guys dress up in cosplay as Chun-Li....or in this case, Sailor Moon. Kreuk is part chinese.

  5. legoomba

    legoomba Toy Prince

    Who cares about all that!

    They are going to have Mega Man 9 playable there! That's the most important part.
  6. hillsy11

    hillsy11 Post Pimp

    Don't be hatin' on Sailor Bubba!
  7. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

    met her at Wondercon a couple of years ago.

    cute, but slightly aloof. maybe all the geekdom freaked her out.

    selling signed polaroids for $25 is the way to go!
  8. Joe

    Joe Die-Cast

  9. Leecifer

    Leecifer Side Dealer

    That's just cause you insisted in sitting on her lap!
    Mine was free.
  10. Joe

    Joe Die-Cast

    Thursday. 12-1. :mrgreen:
  11. hillsy11

    hillsy11 Post Pimp

    There must be something wrong with me....I just don't find her that hot.....cute, but not that hot :oops:
  12. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

  13. rhinomilk

    rhinomilk Vintage

    hey man. when i see her on TV, I can feel a connection and i know she feels it too. (i get 50 feet)
  14. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

    oh, snap!

    the "connection" she feels is you staring at her from 50 feet away....lol...

    remind me not to be near you when you get hauled away by Security.
  15. Lalo

    Lalo Mini Boss

    can't wait to play it once it is released and once i get a wii :lol:
    i have the collection on gamecube.
    mega man 3 is still one of my top games
  16. legoomba

    legoomba Toy Prince

    Ha you are a masochist for liking 3 over 2 :D

    I mean come on, you have to fight the mega man 2 bosses, 2 at a time. Capcom hates everything!
  17. abelincolnjr

    abelincolnjr S7 Royalty

    Is UDON art some US comic company aping the Capcom style or is it the real deal studio who does their conceptual art?
  18. legoomba

    legoomba Toy Prince

    It's actually a Canadian company. They did the Street Fighter comic series as well as some other Capcom franchises. They did all the art for the HD Street Fighter 2 that is coming out to XBLA.
  19. Lalo

    Lalo Mini Boss

    then you have to transport back and deafet each boss back to back from 3 again to get to wiley and have to fight him twice
    thank goodness for those life capsules
    those were some good, long days spent playing it.
  20. damaged Bryan

    damaged Bryan Comment King

    Heh, I love seeing women at conventions. They always seem to be a mix of freaked out and ready to attack. Mace and fabreeze must be requested by every actress that attends these things.

    On that note last time I went to WWC I didn't realize the lady from Mallrats with the third nipple was there. I was very disappointed I didn't have anything for her to sign.
  21. atease

    atease Super Deformed

    haha...this is awesome...now when I read posts from Jeff, Joe and Bert, I can hear them saying what they're typing :D

    good deal..sounds like a great booth...i don't know who she is though...
  22. Zaaier

    Zaaier Line of Credit

    Now that's a quote!

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