POLL: How much toys do you own that are boxed up?

Discussion in 'Compliments & Comments' started by endangered999, May 27, 2008.


Percentage of owned toys not displayed in home

Poll closed Jun 1, 2008.
  1. Marginally less than 25%

    31 vote(s)
  2. 25%

    11 vote(s)
  3. 50%

    6 vote(s)
  4. 75%

    13 vote(s)
  5. Closer to or 100%

    7 vote(s)
  1. endangered999

    endangered999 Toy Prince

    I finally got to post some of my collection today. It has been a year for me and I finally got to display some toys in my newly reno'd digs. Not sure if I will have enough room to get enough display cases for all of the rest. I would say I still have roughly 75% still in boxes or just crammed somewhere in the open, but not actually displayed yet.

    So how much of your toy collection do you have placed in your digs that are NOT displayed to a photo friendly standard?
  2. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    I have an extremely small collection and it's all on display. I try to pick and choice toys that appeal to me but can't imagine having them sit in boxes.
  3. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

    available shelf space is an ongoing issue....
  4. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    75%+ Sad, but true. Most of my JP vinyl has been displayed- the boxed items are mostly Transformers and other mechanical toys.
  5. Joe

    Joe Die-Cast

    I have most everything displayed.
    It was hard first starting organizing everything.
    But I have a system now and it's great.
  6. sumatra71

    sumatra71 Super Deformed

    it's all boxed or bagged unless it was received without the proper packaging... I have nothing to put anything in yet cause I keep buying the damn toys instead... hah'
  7. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    Pretty much 100% boxed still. Bought a house in December and haven't unpacked them. Probably won't for a while. I'm going to build a wall unit in our living room that I can eventually display stuff in, but first I have to build a garage, then shore up the floor joist support trusses, then put in new hardwoods and THEN I can build my wall unit...
  8. JAY

    JAY Super Deformed

    In the middle of transferring to a new home in the last quarter of this year---so excited for some bigger and more room for toys.

    So, most of my toys now are in big ol 'filipino boxes' :)
  9. rhinomilk

    rhinomilk Vintage

    for the past few months.. i open like 25%
    still trying to find a solution
  10. Typo21

    Typo21 Toy Prince

    After moving 6 months ago the majority of my collection is still boxed up. I just haven't gotten around to reorganizing. My displays are setup and mostly empty. Kinda nice to start off on a clean slate.
  11. melek_taus

    melek_taus Mini Boss

    99% displayed. Space is an issue, but I make it work.
  12. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    my space is very limited and then unwanted toys end up in boxes...i voted 50%. i'm a bit of a pack rat so it is difficult for me to part with stuff.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    small apartments in la arent conducive to large collections. luckily i dont need to have anything stored away because then it would just turn into a collection instead of a bunch of rad fucking toys i own and can appreciate.
  14. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    100% displayed. I'm totally out of display space and have already made lots of compromises, namely toys displayed in every room including the kitchen and a walk-in closet. I really don't want to go the route of keeping some in storage. I'm too attached to being able to see them. More shelves are in order ... no Detolfs for me though.
  15. stealthtank

    stealthtank Post Pimp

    100% displayed.
  16. JAY

    JAY Super Deformed

    Dean, you mean like this?


  17. Vombie

    Vombie Vintage

    I display all of my vinyl, but my other toys are in storage--except for my statues (which I don't remove from the packaging). In fact, except for a couple of my favorites, most of my other toy collection are still MIB until I can properly display them one day. hell, some of them I'll still keep in the packages. I don't really play with the toys--especially the pricey ones--but i do enjoy picking them up from time to time to admire them more closely and hands-on. I like the packages they come in too though. to me, that's part of the whole experience--the graphics, colors, design, photos, etc. It's gonna suck to have to toss out all that stuff one day.
  18. liquidsky

    liquidsky Vintage

    Isn't alot of the packaging flat such as header cards and such?
    If you have boxes and want to keep them, think about collapsing them and pressing them flat.
    Wouldn't seem to take up much space and could be stored somewhere or even displayed.
  19. brooks55

    brooks55 Comment King

    The only things I have that are not currently displayed are a few Masters of the Universe item's. All of the Kaiju is out in the open.
  20. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Hah Jay. :D I haven't put any toys in the fridge yet, but there's a ledge in my kitchen with a window behind it that leads to a "sun room" ... it's perfect for mini clear toys, so that's all I put there. At first I worried about kitchen smoke and grease affecting the toys, but I dust them at least once monthly with a microfiber cloth and haven't seen any residue build-up at all.

    I used to have duelling Godzillas on the back of the toilet, but that was a bit much. Now I only put western toys in the bathroom. :twisted:
  21. Vombie

    Vombie Vintage

    That is a good idea.
    but I have this thing about keep packages that don't have toys in them though. the magic is gone for me. Header cards are OK, but empty boxes...I'd be so OCD about it. :oops:
  22. Vombie

    Vombie Vintage

    it's kind of like a self-cleaning set-up, right? juuust kidding!

    I want a diecast school bus toy in my bathroom to help people get in the mood when they gotta drop off the kids.
  23. endangered999

    endangered999 Toy Prince

    I am worried about putting any on the window ledge in fear of sun damage. Man, I would love to though, with the illumination and all!
  24. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Yeah, same here. It helps that the window I'd referred to doesn't get direct sunlight at all. It gets bright light, but it's already been filtered by two windows and a room. I have other clear toys on some dark interior shelves, and it's just not the same. You can see that they're clear, but you don't get the pretty stained glass effect.

    Vombie that was a baaaaaad joke LOL. :lol:
  25. devilboy

    devilboy Mini Boss

    all kaiju is out of the bags and in plain sight so i can enjoy them. after collecting star wars figures and leaving them carded and hidden away i realized that was stupid. i want to enjoy the stuff i collect.

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