Need advice from Celga users

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by creevox, Jan 25, 2006.

  1. creevox

    creevox Addicted

    First of all, I want to thank everyone that helped me figure out the whole Celga and Yahoo Japan thing. I'm now broke, but happy! :D :D :D
    But now I have a problem. I bid and won a whole bunch of stuff. Starting 2 weeks ago and the last auction was a few days ago. So I'm figuring that it will take at least 2-3 weeks to make sure that all y goodies arrive at Celga. I will then request that they ship me all my winnings. But what do I do until then???? I'm going nuts here not being able to see all the new stuff!!!!! How do you all keep so patient?

    JHOTTROD Post Pimp

    Thats a tough one brother-I just told my sister like a week ago that YJA has taught me a new level of patience-lol-that and beer helps too.. :D
  3. Frsh.nss

    Frsh.nss Addicted

    I just timed it out to where I get super7 fixes in between yja shipments. :lol:
  4. skylar

    skylar Post Pimp

    I dont' know, I'm just patient. it's really part of toy collecting in general. you can't get everything right away (or at least most of us can't). I just keep looking for other things I want while I know that stuff is on the way.

    there's always another figure to look for somewhere
  5. subterranean

    subterranean Addicted

    man, celga has been holding stuff for me since late november i think... speaking of being patient... :razz:
  6. jltohru

    jltohru S7 Royalty

    just like i told my brother......

    it's alll about patience. just forget the toys. you will be super happy when they arrive!
  7. vinylglowaddict

    vinylglowaddict Post Pimp

    man it is like Christmas everytime I get a box!!!!!!!!!! It is definitely worth the wait!!!!!!! When that huge ass box shows up you will understand!!!!!!!

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