My Tiny Toy Shelves

Discussion in 'Show Your Collection' started by BansheeToys, Oct 14, 2017.

  1. BansheeToys

    BansheeToys Fresh Meat

    Hey! Recent add and am still getting used to the forums, but I thought I might show off what I have!

    Small amount of sofubi, resin, and various gachapon/others that I've gotten so far.

    All my sofubi fit on this shelf, save the two I have coming in the mail. Super7, Bandai, Rumble Monsters, Gravy Toys, Yamomark, and Difabbio. Vanbeater/Crappycat isn't really soft vinyl but still a rad vinyl toy.


    Various toys and gachapon. Knights of the Slice, Mechatro Wego, etc.


    And my own resin pieces! Most are all failed pulls, but the large gray guy is a prototype for my first release I have coming up in the next few weeks/months.


    Thanks for looking! My favourites are definitely the Rumble Monsters Pharaohs and Yamomark Gyozara. I really love blanks, especially clears, and hot pinks.
    poysntixels and quentor like this.
  2. Odibex

    Odibex Comment King

    I was actually just looking at the first shelf I posted here, it was funny to see. Liking blanks shows you're actually into the sculpts and not just pretty, flashy colors :lol: I kid, but I dig 'em as well. The resin in the lower right looks cool. That doesn't look like it stands, but it looks you coulda made it to stand? Inspired by Candie Bolton's Bake-Kujira at all? The whale's kinda a good idea mouth-wise. maybe if it had some texture. Yeah, I know whales don't have texture, but I don't think anyone's gonna nitpick on that one :D
  3. BansheeToys

    BansheeToys Fresh Meat

    Yeah, always love the little details that can get hidden behind some paint apps, but blanks, and especially clear blanks, are always super rad just to play around with. Filling em with various paper cutouts or random items is a lot of fun. The little guy is "Pretzle," based off of Quetzalcoatl. His mold was destroyed twice and had to resculpt him twice as well. He does stand, but due to his flaws he won't stand properly anymore.

    this is what the master looked like

    And the whale is "Levi," one of my very first sculpts of a Leviathan. I really enjoy big, stupid looking mouths and I thought a whale shark/time travelling space whale was the perfect thing to put one on. Maybe one day I'll come back to him and make him look a bit cooler.
    poysntixels likes this.
  4. Odibex

    Odibex Comment King

    Space whale, yeah I can see that. Quetzalcoatl is the Aztec lightning god, I think? Read a book by DH Lawrence called The Plumed Serpent, OK, actually I didn't read it, I just read the lyrical/poetic bits interspersed throughout, which were awesome, and some had to do with Quetzalquoatl (which isn't surprising, I guess, considering the book was named for him).

    Sounds like your little Pretzle might be cursed :cry: You did perform a human sacrifice, first, right? A couple neat things going on, though.

    Couldn't find a Quetzalcoatl one, but I like this, The Song of The Grey Dog.

    EDIT: Just reading a bit about it and "William S. Burroughs stated, in response to dismissive comments about Lawrence by Leslie Fiedler, that he was very influenced by The Plumed Serpent". That would be how I came to it. Forgot that. Apologies for the tangent.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2017
    poysntixels likes this.

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