MVH Toxigon and Mountain Troll

Discussion in 'Americans and Other Western Gaijin' started by Rich, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. APsychoCareBear

    APsychoCareBear Addicted

  2. Art-Whore

    Art-Whore Addicted

    ...trainspotter respect! ;)
  3. badteethcomics

    badteethcomics Post Pimp

    You expect me to actually read when I visit these boards?!! Geez what's next?! :roll:

    Thanks for the info!!
  4. Daimyo

    Daimyo Side Dealer

    I've been drooling over the test pull pics on Instagram and I just keep finding little things I like about the sculpt. I'm also stoked on the size as it should provide a good balance to MVH shelves. This is going to be a very exciting year for American conceived Sofubi.
  5. chimply.kaiju

    chimply.kaiju Side Dealer

    Rich, out of curiosity why did you choose "Edo 1603" specifically for the markings of this figure? What's the relationship of the period era and year to the creature?
  6. BangarangJames

    BangarangJames Fresh Meat

    When you talk about an omake, are you referring to his weapon or is something else planned? Btw, that weapon is one of the greatest things I've seen.
  7. Dj Will Ross

    Dj Will Ross Addicted

    Omake means "extra" in Japanese. Self explanatory.
  8. BOObotcher

    BOObotcher Addicted

    What happened to the troll guy? Is TAG producing Toxigon?
  9. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    The troll guy is definitely coming. I somehow got caught up in so many colabs all my sculpts ended up being shelved. But my focus is getting him out very soon.

    Toxigon is mine, TAG decided to pass on it.
  10. APsychoCareBear

    APsychoCareBear Addicted

    Been waiting for this guy ever since i saw his face :mrgreen:

    Dont know why would they pass on him, that monstrosity is amazing in so many ways :evil:
  11. zzzzz

    zzzzz Fresh Meat

  12. Stone

    Stone Side Dealer

    WOW! The one toy I'm really looking forward to this year.

    Can't wait!
  13. doomsDAY

    doomsDAY Toy Prince

    Also, greatly looking forward to Toxigon. I love his body (pause) and cant wait for the diff heads.

    TAG is insane for passing on it.
  14. super77m

    super77m Comment King

    Wow huge monster! Is it amphibious ?
  15. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast


  16. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Here's the deal. There is an issue with the tail, which is already getting fixed. Something weird happened and that wax piece shrunk more that normal so the tail had some gaping around it, nothing too bad, the joint is still snug and swivels fine.

    So before the old tail mold is destroyed I'm doing an unpainted run and painted run, than that's that with the old part. I've always thought it was cool to get a toy with a part that was later changed makes them flaws special. Having both painted and unpainted will give 2 examples of the figure.

    Unpainted release in a week or so. I wanted to make all vinyl is in had before I posted any info. All is good now do it's a go soon :)

    Also, each Toxie comes with a great omake, I can't wait :)
  17. plastichunter

    plastichunter Mini Boss

    I'll take an unpainted please sir. ;)
  18. BrickBat

    BrickBat Addicted

    A "slightly defective" MVH toy is way better than most regular toys! I'm very excited for this release! MVH dominates when it comes to big burly beastly sculpts.
  19. Acolorfulmonster

    Acolorfulmonster Toy Prince

    Thats interesting that Rich decided to release the one with the "flawed" tail. Makes an awesome and unique toy all the more unique... been keeping my eye on this figure, looks absolutely devastating!

    Looking forward to the release and to see some painted versions!
  20. Cubensis

    Cubensis Line of Credit

    I rarely step outside of my focus in toy buying, but this.... I need this. So cool looking.
  21. Stone

    Stone Side Dealer

    Great news, can't wait for this release.
  22. thefauxbot

    thefauxbot Addicted

    Yeah, I'm with Cube. He knows my one true love is Cure but damn if this isn't pulling my interests elsewhere. Well, MVH toys in general since I saw my first in the flesh recently.
  23. FATAL

    FATAL Toy Prince

    That's a serious toy that thing.....WANT.
  24. Godman305

    Godman305 Fresh Meat

    ^ Thinking the same thing :twisted:
  25. APsychoCareBear

    APsychoCareBear Addicted


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