
Discussion in 'Custom Toys and Fan Art' started by straightoutta..LOKASH, Sep 27, 2009.

  1. straightoutta..LOKASH

    straightoutta..LOKASH Side Dealer

    I found this paint at my local hobby shop called Mr Color and I am trying it out on my resin stuff. Im having the worst time figuring out the thinner to paint ratio. Im wasting so much paint I figured I would ask here, does anyone have any experience with Mr. Color that can give me a few tips. I wouldn't ask if I hadnt tried it all.-J
  2. Prometheum5

    Prometheum5 Post Pimp

    I don't have exact numbers or anything for you, but I will say that Mr. Color is the paint most professional Japanese model builders swear by, for a variety of applications, so hang in there, you'll figure it out. For spraying the rule of thumb is pretty much that you want your paint thinned to the consistency of milk.
  3. straightoutta..LOKASH

    straightoutta..LOKASH Side Dealer

    YOu know, thats the advice that the guy at the hobby shop gave me, but I drink fat free milk! Is it supposed to be the consitency of vitamin D, fat free, low fat?
  4. Prometheum5

    Prometheum5 Post Pimp

    To be honest, I have the EXACT same problem... I use a totally different kind of paint, and still spend time playing around with the consistency, because I can never decide.

    BOB CONGE Addicted

    Mr. Color is great paint and if you can find it, count yourself lucky.
    If you are airbrushing, mix 1 part paint to 1 part lacquer thinner.
  6. straightoutta..LOKASH

    straightoutta..LOKASH Side Dealer

    I tried the 50/50 ratio but thought it was too thin, but it may have just been the fact my airbrush was a piece o' shit. I JUst bought an Iwata so I will give it another go, thanks.

    Oh, and if you havent seen mr color. they have a ton of great colors to choose from and its about the same price as V-color.

    Thanks for the help guys, I'll let you know how it goes.
  7. uh oh

    uh oh Addicted

    YOu know, thats the advice that the guy at the hobby shop gave me, but I drink fat free milk! Is it supposed to be the consitency of vitamin D, fat free, low fat?[/quote]

    I had trouble with this adage as well since I haven't had milk in over a decade. I just thin until it works and then try to match that consistency.
    I've been using Jacquard Pearl and that works straight up for me.
  8. 3x3is9

    3x3is9 Addicted

    With any paint I think the trick is to add a bit of thinner at a time until it sprays right. Once you get the hang of it you shouldn't have any trouble. I find it actually even varies color by color. I think 50/50 might be a bit high though.
  9. pollard_hunter

    pollard_hunter Addicted

    have another question to add to the mr color thread here. i was wondering, do you have to use primer before using mr color? i know it's always necessary with acrylics, but with lacquers i was wondering if it's the same?

    i.e. - will it be fine to use to accent on vinyl figures or even just spray directly on for full coverage?
  10. Prometheum5

    Prometheum5 Post Pimp

    Good question... I would assume that as long as you topcoat the figure, you will end up with a durable finish, like when using any paint other than V-Color. Clean vinyl seems to take paint well enough without primer, and a big part of the reason modelers use primer (especially tank modelers) is to provide an even undertone to the color after sanding, puttying, and adding details, none of which matter on a vinyl figure.
  11. pollard_hunter

    pollard_hunter Addicted

    ah, awesome. thanks for the help prometheum5! i'm placing an order for mr. colors, so i just thought i'd check. i mean, aside from the awful smell i hear that lacquers give off, that's the only major downside. so i'd rather try that than the mr hobby aqueous stuff just yet, since most folks recommend priming prior to using the aqueous stuff.
  12. uh oh

    uh oh Addicted

    I bought a huge batch of colors and they all work exactly the same except purple I have to thin about 50%. Totally weird.

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