moving to New Orleans!

Discussion in 'Paradise Garage' started by jermy, Jul 12, 2008.

  1. jermy

    jermy Toy Prince

    with a barrel of mixed emotions, my time has come to move along. my move to new orleans will go down july 29th. chicago has ruled super hard and you brainers have always been so so great about hooking it up, helping out my shiny-monster-plastic-disorder when you'd go to events. Toy Karma melted my face off. Meeting you guys has really been awesome. Come holler at me at Roto. Lets nerd-out and get beers. I'll still be posting from the Big Easy, but I think my toy buying will become much, much harder. Anyone know if New Orleans has a nerd store?
  2. Zaaier

    Zaaier Line of Credit

    Good luck on the move. New Orleans seems like a rough place to move into... but hell, what do i know as a European.
  3. agitprop

    agitprop Fresh Meat

    Is there any official going away party?
  4. jermy

    jermy Toy Prince

    thanks man.. no official party has been planned. kinda trying to slip out under the radar. but i'll be doing a lot of staying out waay too late until the big day. i should probably just move my couch and t.v. to cleos. zaaier, new orleans has its dangerous spots, to be sure, like any city. but also more charm than most....and as always, what you see on t.v. about it is always the bad news, and half bullshit.
  5. Ultra_Gigan

    Ultra_Gigan Addicted

    awww, sad to see you go Jermy, and I don't think we've even met in an official capacity. I'll definitely try and stop in and say buh-bye.

    Hmm, thinking about it, if you work at Roto, it may have been you who sold me my mini zag not too long ago. *scratches chin thoughtfully*

    So dare we ask what made you decide on this move?
  6. jermy

    jermy Toy Prince

    i definitely could have sold you a mini zag recently! well - my girl got a job offer there that she couldn't refuse. like a grown up job. i'm from the south also, and have always intended on heading back down that way once my masters was completed. school is over, and the chance to head back south arose, so voila! my degree is in fine art and new orleans seems to have some good opportunities there....just seems to make sense. we shall see.
  7. Ultra_Gigan

    Ultra_Gigan Addicted

    Well I certainly wish you all the very best Jermy, and make sure you post plenty of pictures for us when you get down there.

    I'll definitley try and come hang out before you spread yer wings and leave :)
  8. the_z

    the_z Side Dealer

    Congrats on the move Jeremy! It should be incredibly interesting down there. Good luck with everything and don't be a stranger!

    Also does anyone want to meet up/ buy Jeremy some beers next Thurs (24th?)...just selfishly asking because Thurs. nights are very free for me. In fact, I will probably be stopping by Roto tomorrow night as well.
  9. vog_island

    vog_island Addicted

    you guys planning to meet tonight? I just remembered this. I'll try to stop in (Cleo's right?).
  10. the_z

    the_z Side Dealer

    Hey, yep we're meeting up at Roto around 8:30 and then going to Cleo's...well really just Cleo's because Roto will be closed.

  11. ajb603

    ajb603 Toy Prince

    Good luck man! You will be missed. I'll hit you up when Im on tour. I do not know of any nerd stores down there, but I am sure you can start a new hobby. People seem to collect beaded necklaces down there :lol: ;)
  12. jermy

    jermy Toy Prince

    ha! indeed they do collect beads. even the poor trees get covered in them. they also collect hangovers and vomit down there. no good nerd store though. yell at me when and if you dudes are down there. i had a great time with vog and z at cleos. z, you sure know how to send a dude off. thanks a ka-jillion! :shock:
  13. logang1

    logang1 Mini Boss

    Be sure to ping Chad Hensley from the board !!!

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