Motley Miscreations - resin toys

Discussion in 'Resonators Romper Room' started by BrandonL, Apr 5, 2018.

  1. BrandonL

    BrandonL Fresh Meat

    Nov 14, 2017
    Motley Miscreations - resin toys
    Hey guys,

    I wanted to post up some of the stuff I make, and was happy to see that there's a resin specific section of the forum (actually just stumbled across it by accident). I've been dabbling for a couple years now and I think I've started to find my groove a bit with an aesthetic and process. I get a super limited amount of time to spend on this stuff, as I have a day job, a family with 3 kids and take on the occasional freelance illustration work all on top of toy making, but I absolutely love the feeling of having a finished piece in hand. I've really enjoyed my time making toys thus far and would love to venture into vinyl someday, but rounding up the funding to make that happen is a tough task haha. If you have any questions or suggestions I'd love to hear them, talking toys is always good times haha. Thanks for checking them out!





    Patrickg2k and hellointerloper like this.
  2. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Mar 29, 2014
    CT, United States
    Motley Miscreations - resin toys
    I'm not into gross/gory vinyl, but love it in resin... probably because all the custom work I've done has been of gory demons, bahaha. Is the first pic evil Easter bunnies with a carrot codpiece, or am I seeing things?
  3. BrandonL

    BrandonL Fresh Meat

    Nov 14, 2017
    Motley Miscreations - resin toys
    Thanks! I guess my pieces do have some gore, not always, but I AM a big fan of details and fun textures. I try to find a nice balance of "noise" when possible, though I'm not sure how successful I am haha. The first pic is an "undead mecha-bunny" called The Eat3r Bunny. He doesn't have a carrot cod piece, though now that you mention it I totally see it haha, it's just a generic ridiculous cod piece :lol:
    hellointerloper likes this.

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