Kobzilla toys

Discussion in 'Resonators Romper Room' started by T.J., Jul 31, 2012.

  1. T.J.

    T.J. Addicted

    A friend from Bangkok has been making fun small resin monsters. Website Is http://www.kobzilla.com . He has let me paint up a few they were fun so I thought I'd share.

  2. yetiman2196

    yetiman2196 Addicted

    I like this guy alot:
  3. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

    The body looks suspiciously like Amapro's Saihatari. Or is that just me?

  4. T.J.

    T.J. Addicted

    The feet are very similar, the body it is a bit of a stretch, aside from both being ape.
  5. sk8collector

    sk8collector Toy Prince

    very cool, the Black Kruzz is awesome.
  6. kopponigen

    kopponigen Post Pimp

    I thought it looked more like the sunguts gorilla. I still like it though...
  7. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

    Hmm, I don't know. The entire hips / legs / feet piece as well as the arms appear to be straight from Saihatari, with the torso / head being the only thing different (and whose texture does not match because it is original). Obviously 'apes,' are going to look pretty similar, but this is almost exactly the same, if not identical. Is this supposed to be a bootleg, or homage, or something? I can't be the only one that sees that.

    Looks to me like an ape was aped here.
  8. Gareth Infinity

    Gareth Infinity Addicted

    I see exactly what bansheebot is saying
    he's talking about the top pic you know, not the one right above his first post
  9. T.J.

    T.J. Addicted

    I see that the original Kobzilla sculpt looks more like the ape. I am not the maker of these, but I'm sure like a lot of the toys we collect they are heavily inspired by a previous design. I will ask Tanin if he is pulling from Amapro's Saihatari.
  10. T.J.

    T.J. Addicted

    Here is a message from Tanin to help clear up some issues.

    Thank you guys all for the comments and questions and very thanks to TJ
    for the TOPIC :)

    I accepted that the bodies of KOBZILLA and KRUZZILLA are looking like
    to the Saihatari and the sunguts KONG
    I Think it could be inspired from that great toys (and from other great
    toys such as Bullmark's GODZILLA 2000, Kinnikuman, HULK, and the wings
    of Go Nagai's DevilMan ).

    The GOAL of KOBZILLATOY are ..."The Resin-Cast handmade toy from
    Bangkok. Inspired by Thai Mythical Creatures and Japanese Kaiju

    I just try to Retrospect, very highly respective for the great
    Creativities of Japanese and others great TOYS, and let them have party
    with Thai Artistic Style.

    But I could tell you that the real bodies of my KOB and KRUZZ are
    different from that toys.
    I have sculpted these PROTOTYPES in may 2012 by my own hands and
    blended it with the artistic by the shapes of THAI mythecal creatures
    like YAK (Thai mythecal Giant) on KOB, and the shape of KHRUT (Thai
    mythecal Bird) on the KRUZZ ( and also for the textures and other detail

    I very appreciated that you guys interesting in my toys and I hope that
    you could see it through if you touch my toys by your own hands. The
    Shape, Form and Texture are so different.

    These are my handmade SCULPT , and made it by my heart.

    Thanks all from my Heart :)


  11. audiodifficulties

    audiodifficulties S7 Royalty

    I love that winged monkey sculpt.
  12. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    Yeah, only the feet look similar to me, but you'd have to trace that back waaayy back to the resin dinos the cavemen used to sculpt out of amber.
  13. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

    You're clearly looking at the wrong thing. I am not comparing Saihatari to the winged monkey mini thing, which actually looks original and cool. Compare the images in the first post (and on the web site) to what I posted. Here, allow me to further illustrate:


    Bootlegs, homages, etc. are all great, because they pay respect to the original creators. I could be wrong, but I feel like this is just 'I need an ape body for my torso and head sculpt, what can I use' type thing. As a big fan of Amapro and his original pachikaiju, I think it's kind of offensive. But again, who knows, I could be wrong. I did bring this to Amapro's attention, but I think the language barrier made it pretty difficult.
  14. T.J.

    T.J. Addicted

    I do see the similarity in the sculpts. I posted this thread just because I liked this sculpt, it was fun to paint and Tanin has been very nice in all of my dealings with him. As for the paint app on that particular one, I had never seen Saihatari (yes I am ashamed) when I painted this one. The similarity in color is a total coincidence or maybe that sculpt just begs to be painted in similar ways. Sorry you have been offended by this entire thing but that is all out of my hands. Just out of respect for everyone involved I am done posting about this one and I'll let it run it's course.
  15. kopponigen

    kopponigen Post Pimp

    Jason, I thought you were talking about the other one as well. Your post was a bit confusing because it was made after the photo of the winged one. It's more clear now what you meant.
  16. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    Ditto to the T! That's EXACTLY the image I thought you were referring to also.

    Damn, those really are some amazing similarities. Not commenting on the colors, it's such a generic sculpt though (DEFINITELY no offense intended, as I like little Kobzilla), that I can totally buy it being a coincidence. It was just a matter of time though, cause although I also like & own and own a Saihatari (the head really brings it together for me), there's nothing super unique about the body sculpt that any sculptor wouldn't think about. Pretty basic build.
  17. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

    I'm honestly shocked that anyone would see this comparison and just give it a 'pass,' because ape sculpts are bound to look similar. No, this is literally identical.

    If it were ripping off some high profile toy, things would probably be pretty different.

    I think it's offensive and disrespectful. That's the last I plan to say on this. Carry on.
  18. michael

    michael Side Dealer

  19. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    ... ergh :?

    Yeah... these are all awfully similar... maybe I just don want to believe it.

    ...although different in many ways, i think the whole sam thing's affecting my objectiveness somewhat... kinda messed with me...

    ... although i know crazy coincidences can occur, bottom line; if these are based off figures in existence, just be honest and say they're in tribute to, or somethin of the sort. there's no dishonor in that. people will like the figures for the figures sake, sometimes no matter what.
  20. T.J.

    T.J. Addicted

    I thought I was done commenting, but ouch that is too similar. I may have been dooped. With both of these being near identical I think conclusions can be drawn. Sorry to have promoted this without all the facts. I unlike many of you do not have encyclopedic knowledge of sofubi. I don't think any harm was meant in making these and I know Tanin did sculpt each one through seeing progress shots, but the designs are too similar to not give credit to original toys.

    Once again sorry for attaching my name to these, I just simply had fun painting them without knowledge of original toys.

    P.s. Who makes the ape from your post Michael?
  21. Mike-OH!

    Mike-OH! Toy Prince

    That's Betakong by Sunguts and yes they're pretty similar.

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