Kingu Kongu tai Gojira

Discussion in 'Show Your Collection' started by turtletooth, Aug 14, 2007.

  1. J.B.

    J.B. Toy Prince

    Those Apes figures are stunning; such nice detail. I picked up a Raymundo version of the 67 Kong from a local shop today.



    Also pre-ordered his Mechanical counterpart (w/ bomb belt):

    This is the prototype; the final will be painted metallic gray/silver.
  2. COOP

    COOP Comment King

    What local shop in Pasadena, if I might be so rude as to inquire? I'm always looking for places to test my poor impulse control.
  3. J.B.

    J.B. Toy Prince

    Take a short drive over Suicide Bridge
    and you'll end up in Eagle Rock. I picked up the 67 Kong at Mini-Melt Comics on Colorado Blvd. They still have the 62 version available. They also have a minty boxed Godaikin Voltes V for $1,500. :roll:
  4. COOP

    COOP Comment King

    Never been in the Eagle Rock Meltdown, even though it is across from Casa Bianca Pizza PIe - best pizza in the LA area.
  5. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

    Eagle Rock is where Harmond hung out with Obama back in the day.
  6. J.B.

    J.B. Toy Prince

    MechaniKong arrived; displays well with the '67 Kong.



  7. jefftallica

    jefftallica Addicted

    Awesome! I received King Kong Escapes on Netflix today, never got to see it as a kid.
  8. turtletooth

    turtletooth Post Pimp

    Oh man! That glittery Mechani-Kong rules!

    I'm going to have to bite the bullet on those. I need both the with belt and the without belt versions and a Kong for them to wrestle.
  9. Cubensis

    Cubensis Line of Credit

    Really excited to have finally found a set of these guys after years of keeping a watchful eye. :D

  10. poysntixels

    poysntixels Post Pimp

    pardon my ignorance; what's the kanji?
  11. deafmetal

    deafmetal Comment King

    ゴリラ gorilla

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