Killer Krampus

Discussion in 'Americans and Other Western Gaijin' started by Mr.Krotpong, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Mr.Krotpong

    Mr.Krotpong Addicted

    Everything is coming up Krampus! Seeing as how this is His day and all, I thought I'd debut the figure that I'm (actually finished) working on. It is now in Japan, having the bugs worked out. I'll have figures in hand early on in 2013. All of the assembly, painting, header design, and bagging will be done in house. My dynamic take on what the figure will look like:
    And a close up profile. Pretty rough still. More pictures will come as I get more information. This has been one of my dreams for a long time now, and I can't even begin to describe how excited I am about this. Even though I don't post here very much, I have to say that you all have been a great inspiration to me, warts and all. Your passion and enthusiasm for vinyl toys is one of the reasons I decided to take the plunge and make this happen for myself. Thanks!

    If anyone is intersted in this beast, my site is Not for sale yet, but soon...
  2. Paulkaiju

    Paulkaiju Mini Boss

    Great! Can't wait to see it!
    LOVE European creepy winter legends!

    I still want to do a fig of the chicken-legged hut of the Baba Yaga. :shock:
  3. MattyBoomBatty

    MattyBoomBatty Addicted

    Weird, I thought I posted something here...this looks great...something new and different.
    Great idea Paul....Baba Yaga herself in her flying cauldron full of bones would also be creepy as shit.
  4. zapatoloco

    zapatoloco Comment King

    I thought the Kaijin house was a nod to Baba Yaga's hut ?
  5. Realdeaocho

    Realdeaocho Toy Prince

    Love the Krampus !!
  6. Mr.Krotpong

    Mr.Krotpong Addicted

    Thanks, you guys! I might have wax shots by early next week. I'll post 'em here when they come in. :D
  7. headlessking

    headlessking Toy Prince

    I cant wait to see the full toy, looks very you gotta love the creepiness of the krampus
  8. Amphetamine

    Amphetamine Fresh Meat

    Can't wait to see it.
  9. ghostal

    ghostal Toy Prince

  10. Brad814

    Brad814 Toy Prince

    Sweet! I'll take one. My wife is from Europe and we celebrate her village's version of this holiday every December. I have to dress up like this guy or a ghost and ring a bell or shake a chain outside my daughters bedroom window when she is in bed, then leave a present outside on the doorstep, if she has been good. :lol: But if she wasn't good I'm supposed to chain her up to a tree and scare her and make her pray. But of cousre we have never done that. :lol: I'm surprised the cops don't get called with me dressed up outside a window in the middle of December. :lol:
  11. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss

    Will it come with the six to eight black men as well?
  12. Brad814

    Brad814 Toy Prince

    ^^What does this mean? I have never heard of "black men" having anything to do with the holiday... Who are the black men? Do you mean like grim reapers?
  13. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss

    Google "david sedaris six to eight black men" and give any of them a listen
  14. blakewest

    blakewest Post Pimp

    Does the Krampus normally have one hoof and one human foot, or is that just your take? Makes him seem a bit more mutant :mrgreen:
  15. Mr.Krotpong

    Mr.Krotpong Addicted

    You're thinking of Zwarte Pete, who has a similar role, except that he (or they) can do good works, wheras the Krampus is just there to punish the wicked.

    According to some legends, the Krampus has one human-style foot and one hoof, it adds to the eeevil! It also goes a ways to explaining why he's always in such a foul mood. :D
  16. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss

    Oh, I know. I just thought it would be funny dropped in here because it was fitting. Being German, I am all too familiar with the tale of Krampus. There were five of us growing up... only four of us remain :twisted:
  17. Mr.Krotpong

    Mr.Krotpong Addicted

    Ah! One of the lucky ones! :D
  18. Mr.Krotpong

    Mr.Krotpong Addicted

    Bite the Wax Krampus! by krotpongindustries, on Flickr

    Have a look at the wax! It's being taken to be jointed this week, and then off to mold making. Man, it's gonna be a lot of pieces! With the bundle of sticks and the omake it'll be 13 parts! I am super stoked about this! Also; it looks like he's got a tiny little penis, actually that's the backside, it's a little tail instead. :D
  19. headlessking

    headlessking Toy Prince

    Man i am beyond stoked to see this toy jointed up and into full spin.thatd be sick to see that drawing produced into a print.
  20. Realdeaocho

    Realdeaocho Toy Prince

    Going to be awesome.
  21. Daimyo

    Daimyo Side Dealer

    Holy articulation batman! Looking damn good, can't wait to see a test pull.
  22. leucotomy

    leucotomy Comment King

    Yeah looks amazing, out of interest after you finished the sculpt how long has it taken to get to this point?
  23. MattyBoomBatty

    MattyBoomBatty Addicted

    Looks's going to be insane. Are you going unpainted first, full paintjob or painting it yourself?
  24. gatiio

    gatiio Post Pimp

    Congrats, thats a great way to start the year!

    This is going to look great painted!
  25. Mr.Krotpong

    Mr.Krotpong Addicted

    Cheers! About 5 months. It took me two months to sculpt it, so I'm seven months in so far.

    Thanks! I'm still working that out in my head. It will probably be a run of unpainted at first, then I'll paint the rest. But who knows, I might just paint the whole run.

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